De mon point de vue c’est tout cela mais en mieux... Travailler depuis la première année avec des personnes de tout horizon (professeurs, élèves…) vous donne une ouverture d’esprit qui facilite votre adaptation une fois à l’étranger. La possibilité de continuer les 3 langues que je faisais déjà au lycée était aussi un vrai plus. J’ai eu l’occasion jusqu’à maintenant d’habiter à Londres et Barcelone grâce à ces stages. "Alors vous, futures premières années (peut-être), si vous avez des questions et des hésitations, n’hésitez pas à m’en parler. Admission parallèle pour les titulaires de Bac +1 ou Bac +2. To add this program, please first remove one from your dashboard. GLOBAL BBA Discover our 4-year undergraduate program with a strong international dimension and career approach. The international experience was my most important aim when joining the program and I don’t think I have been mistaken”. Découvrez sur notre site les dates de concours d'entrée pour une admission au sein de notre ecole de commerce. All rights reserved © emlyon business school, A 4 year degree diploma accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education, Taught in French & English or Full English, 4 campuses: Saint-Etienne, Paris, Casablanca, Shanghai, You have reached the maximum number of programs. Epreuves écrites. In a global and digital world, you will need to have multiple skills to adapt to new disruptions (digitalization, artificial intelligence, etc.) The volume of group work allows us to get to know each other better and to develop our managerial skills and our autonomy. I am 20 years old and I can speak Spanish, English, French and Portuguese. The Global Bachelor of Business Administration aims to prepare you for the job market of tomorrow. Oraux d'admission. Participez à nos prochains évènements online ! Une pédagogie innovante alliant cours fondamentaux, travaux de groupes et stages dans un environnement international, Pour les lycéens ou bacheliers toutes spécialités. in the global economy. Les nombreux travaux de groupes nous permettent de mieux nous connaitre et de développer nos compétences managériales ainsi que notre autonomie. Le BBA EMLYON (Bachelor in Business Administration) est un programme post-bac en quatre ans dédié au management opérationnel. Vous serez mis dans un univers où les connaissances théoriques seront mieux assimilées avec une mise en pratique concrète. Watch Queue Queue En plus de son ouverture sur le monde et son coté professionnalisant, le Global BBA offre de nombreux cours très enrichissants avec des professeurs permanents mais aussi des intervenants issus du monde de l’entreprise. Selecting the right participant is about more than just test scores. The unique personality of the Global BBA program lies in a pedagogical approach based on experiential learning and opportunities for a multi-campus experience. Il s’appuie sur les trois piliers de l’approche pédagogique d’EMLYON : entrepreneuriat, innovation et international. In addition to the multi-campus experience, academic exchanges including double degree opportunities are another way to develop your international exposure during your Bachelor. Discover the BBA Bachelor in Business Administration. In addition to providing openings on the world in general and its professional orientation, the Global BBA program offers many very enriching courses with full time teachers or lecturers coming from the business world. Quand on vous présente le programme du cursus on vous parle d’expériences à l’internationale, d’opportunités professionnalisantes et de liberté de parcours. Possibilité d’aller sur les campus internationaux d’emlyon business school dès la 2e année, stages à l’étranger, échange en universités partenaires, doubles diplômes composeront vos différentes opportunités pour enrichir votre expérience internationale. This is why the BBA program provides a high quality education and allows its students to open up abroad in the future. Our infrastructures, our pedagogical approaches and our digital tools are designed to promote collective intelligence, to stimulate your creativity and to encourage multidisciplinarity, hybridization & cross-fertilization. The emlyon is a school recognized for excellence around the world. Emlyon's bachelor's degree in Management brings both theoretical knowledge and practical skills to students. Interview de Lise, étudiante en 1ère année du Global BBA de Paris de emlyon business school. Do you want to learn more about the Global BBA programme? This Top ranked French school of management proposes international programmes, MBA, Masters and executive education. I have had the opportunity so far to live in London and Barcelona thanks to these internships. emlyon business school, a international business school in Europe. This video is unavailable. I Our programs gives you the opportunity to develop your international business and entrepreneurial skills. 20 janvier au 11 mars 2021. 80% des métiers connus aujourd'hui auront disparu ou profondément évolué dans 20 ans, le Global BBA vise à vous préparer au marché de l’emploi de demain. In a global and digital world, you will need to have multiple skills to adapt to new disruptions (digitalization, artificial intelligence, etc.) Work for 7-months on an Entrepreneurial Leadership Consultancy Project and benefit from a dedicated careers track. EMLyon propose une formation en 4 ans après le bac très axée sur l'international et 100% digital. Do not hesitate to contact Emlyon … For high school students and graduates in general or technological series. Résultats d'admissibilité. Apprendre en e-learning, business games, projets de groupe (Projet de création d’entreprise, Projet Mission, …), classes inversées ou « flipped classrooms » font partie des méthodes pédagogiques structurant le Global BBA. Tous droits réservés © emlyon business school, Visé Bac+4 (M1) par le Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche, Parcours anglophone ou francophone dès la 1re année, 4 campus : Saint-Etienne, Paris, Casablanca et Shanghai. Je m’appelle Simon, j’ai 20 ans et je suis en 2ème année du Global BBA d’emlyon. en cours dans l’économie mondiale. Discover the new BBA Bachelor in Business Administration. This program will equip you to become a major contributor capable of developing innovative entrepreneurial solutions that will make a difference to society. EMLYON proposes specialised masters, international MBA, MSC in management, a European master in management, entrepreneurship programs and a MSC in Luxury Management and Marketing. 16 avril 2021. Dans un monde global et digital, vos compétences doivent être multiples et s’adapter aux nouvelles disruptions (digitalisation, intelligence artificielle, etc.) Start quiz. Je me ferai une joie de vous répondre et de vous accompagner lors de vos examens ! " We kindly remind you that emlyon business school or a mandated body will verify the validity of the information provided in your application file, including your obtained diploma(s). Boostez votre employabilité en France et à l'international. Take the 4-minute quiz to discover if this Global BBA taught in English at emlyon business school in France is right for you! As the global focus on a more sustainable future impacts every level and aspect of society, there is a real need for professionals who can demonstrate that entrepreneurship and innovation are perhaps the most important drivers of change. Contacts presse EMLYON Business School. Global BBA. PRINCIPALES FILIÈRES Nous vous invitons à en supprimer un avant d'ajouter un nouveau programme. Les étudiants qui souhaitent candidater aux épreuves d’admission du concours peuvent s’inscrire dès maintenant. in … Le fait que le Global BBA nous fasse partir en stage chaque année était aussi un facteur qui a fait pencher la balance. L’expérience à l’internationale était ce que je recherchais le plus en venant et je pense que je ne me suis pas trompée ». Careers All opportunities at hand emlyon business school’s careers services are recognized by companies and BBA students alike for their efficient support and guidance. Emlyon business school’s entrepreneur is a maker and an early mover. "Let it be any kind of question, big or small, from the kind of people you might meet to the career options, I ‘ll be happy to give out everything in my ability ! - Mathis. If you are admitted but did not obtain your degree before December 2020, you may be excluded from the program and won't be able to graduate from emlyon business school. Avec la possibilité de faire la majorité du cursus à l’international, le Global BBA est le programme idéal pour vous préparer aux grands enjeux du commerce mondial. The possibility of being able to continue with the three foreign languages I studied at high school was also a big plus. Join emlyon business school's International MBA and prepare yourself for an international leadership position and a large exciting network. Vous pouvez ajouter seulement 3 programmes à votre tableau de bord. Watch Queue Queue. The different study paths offered develop mobility and the acquisition of a solid international experience: internships abroad, exchange semesters and/or double-degree programs with our academic partners or at the international campuses of emlyon business school. Les épreuves du concours auront lieu dans plusieurs villes de France : Lyon - mardi 24 juin; Toulouse - vendredi 27 juin In a nutshell, an early maker. Elements like motivation to pursue an MBA, your background and professional project weigh just as heavily in our selection procedure.. A 4-year undergraduate program in Business and Management, taught exclusively in English. About Global BBA at emlyon business school Become the early maker of tomorrow In addition to the multi-campus experience, academic exchanges including double degree opportunities are another way to develop your international exposure. The Global BBA aims to prepare you for the job market of tomorrow. emlyon business and management school, one of the 15 best business school in Europe. 98 % of our graduates sign a contract for a high-quality job within 6 months of graduation. Take the 4-minute quiz to discover if this Global BBA taught in English at emlyon business school in France is right for you! I am from El Salvador and I did a French school which allowed me to obtain my “Baccalaureat Economique et Social” diploma. Découvrez le BBA, Bachelor in Business Administration de l’école de commerce emlyon business school et développez vos compétences en management, entrepreneuriat, innovation et commerce international. This top ranked french school of management proposes international programmes, MBA, Masters and executive education Le Global BBA me permet de bouger et de découvrir le monde grâce aux différents stages et aux échanges [...] . I passed a French scientific baccalaureate last year. "Ishpreet Chandok. emlyon business school est une business school européenne dédiée à l’apprentissage du management entrepreneurial et international. Join emlyon business school's Global BBA, Bachelor in Business Administration, a program that prepares you for operational management with an innovative pedagogy that combines fundamental courses, group work and internships in an international environment. EMLYON Business School, grande ecole de commerce et de management, propose le programme ESC Lyon, des MBA, des mastères spécialisés ainsi que le programme grande ecole sur son campus à Lyon, France. This means you can choose wherever you want to start your Global BBA as there are 4 emlyon business school campuses around the world : Shanghai, Saint-Étienne, Casablanca and Paris. Inscription via Parcoursup. I am Alejandra Duque currently in second year of the global BBA at emlyon Paris. 17 avril au 2 … Our programs gives you the opportunity to develop your international business and entrepreunerial skills. A Bachelor program that prepares you for operational management with an innovative pedagogy that combines fundamental courses, group work and internships in an international environment. have the French and Gabonese nationalities and I’ve pretty much always lived in the suburbs of Paris. The fact that the Global BBA program enables us to undertake internships every year was also a deciding factor. We use cookies (and other similar technologies) to collect data to improve your experience on our site. 7 avril 2021. Hello, my name is Lise Rahandi-Chambrier. Education Matching for Students by. At emlyon business school we take an applicant's entire potential into account. Register EMLYON Business School a leading international and European business school in France, Europe. Découvrez nos nombreux webinars thématiques pour en savoir plus sur le Global BBA et son concours. EMLYON MBA: International MBA, Executive MBA & Global Executive MBA : EMLYON is an International Business School devoted to lifelong learning for entrepreneurial and international management. “The Global BBA allows me to move around and discover the world thanks to the different internships and exchanges. ... EMLYON Business School is an International Business School devoted to lifelong learning for entrepreneurial and international management. emlyon business and management school, one of the 15 best business school in Europe. emlyon business school is a leading international and European business school in France, Europe. La mission d’emlyon business school est de former des early makers, à savoir des individus capables de prendre en main leur destin, d’être acteur et entrepreneur de leur existence. La deuxième session d’inscriptions au concours BBA EMLYON (Bachelor in Business Administration) est ouverte.
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