I bought a single female platy as one of my first fish. Live plants provide a shelter and some microorganisms to eat, and fast growing species like hornwort also improve water quality by ingesting toxic nitrogen compounds. I have no idea why this happened but when the platy’s behaviour became a bit worrying I noticed his tail had been nibbled quite badly and he had a mark/wound on his flank where the aggressive guppy had been nosing him I decided I had no option but to remove the guppy or the platy was going to eventually die. Favorite Answer. SEA-SPAN Episode 5: Penguins Waddle Through the Aquarium - Duration: 16:07. We either keep them or find forever homes. Platys and guppies are not bad about eating fry, but they will do it. This is our first fish tank. Guppies stay small, under 2-1/2 inches in length, and will add interest and color to the small community aquarium. Anonymous. Platies are the native of Central America and Mexico, but now they are widely available in India. Do Platies Crossbreed? Fishfur. Yes, members of the Poecilia genus, which includes guppies, can crossbreed with each other. Only one fry survived and she looks exactly like her mother.) As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. A variety of quality foods will keep both platy fish and guppy fish happy and healthy. I put one of my female platies to a guppy pond. Guppy Platy is on Facebook. Mollies and guppies can and do have viable fry but I’m not sure if I can get a second generation, as many hybrid animals will be sterile (examples, mules — donkey/horse cross — and ‘Wipers’ — striper and white bass cross). Well fed. Platys and guppies are not bad about eating fry, but they will do it. Like other platys, the Mickey Mouse tolerates a wide range of conditions, and are suitable for even small aquariums. Only problem is, there is NO male Platies in this entire tank!!! I have seen people breed mollies and platys. « Platy Fish and Betta Fish – Can You Keep Them in Same Aquarium. Do platy fry show their true colours right away? Difference between poecilia and xiphophorus? Platys and Guppies are both livebearers, but are different species. So, my question is... (Bedside the Platies) ...are any of my other fish able to cross breed with each other? Alex G 45,064 views. Unlike most fish, platy fish are actually livebearers, meaning they give birth to live fry. If you don’t have many fish in your aquarium, you may use a sponge filter too, however, hang-on-back filters are better since they can offer mechanical, biological and chemical filtration, which results in higher quality water. #aquarium #fish #mollyfish #guppy #arowana #platy #swordtail #india #indonesia #philippines #thailand #malaysia #singapore #japan #discus #brazil #canada #france #spain #italy #germany #freshwater #freshwaterfish #discusfish #angelfish #shrimps #bluebolt A female had about 3 fry before the male was bought and introduced to my aquarium. Dites moi ce que vous avez a vendre. The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Female livebearers can store s perm for several months and have several batches long after any male is present. If so will they crossbreed. nicely in case you pick fish that isn't breed like loopy yet are shade complete on the comparable time then i'd bypass with the platys and the tetras. That's one reason the floating plants are a good idea; fry attempt to hide at the water surface. I found two babies hiding in the gravel!! she didn’t show any signs of pregnancy. Both species are livebearers, similar to other fish of the family Poeciliidae, such as the guppy and molly.Platies are native to the … Your quite right, there is an awful lot of conflicting information out there, indeed, an awful lot of mis-information. The guppy (Poecilia reticulata), also known as millionfish and rainbow fish, is one of the world's most widely distributed tropical fish and one of the most popular freshwater aquarium fish species.It is a member of the family Poeciliidae and, like almost all American members of the family, is live-bearing. They will graze on vegetation, so keep that in mind if you have live plants. I know this is a very old thread, but I want to point out the difference between mating and reproducing, meaning they might “mate” but can’t interbreed. 1. I barely know anything about fish, but I just wanted to say it happened to me. Platies and guppies are a great match for a community aquarium. 16:19. No. Exotic guppies. Papa Louie 3 is the third installment of this wildly popular platformer series. It shouldn't be too bad unless you notice that your guppy is doing damage to your platy. Ideally, you should only keep fish with the same temperament and water requirements to avoid any diseases or injuries in the aquarium. Platies that are Xiphophorus maculatus cannot interbreed with Guppies which are Poecilia reticulata and vice versa. I am sure though that one day they will overcome their wariness and eat him so I will be taking him to the fish shop any day now. David McMullan: Thanks for the clarity on Guppy/Platy cross breeding. Super healthy young guppies . I really enjoy the aquarium hobby and love sharing my experience with others. Really, the challenge is to get platy and guppy fry and raise each individually in a five gallon tank, with zero contact with other fish. Well done deb. Anyway, I dont think they could keep it for over years. Ogni acquario sia di acqua dolce che marina è un biotopo in miniatura.Vedere nascere i piccoli avannotti è una vera gioia. Do platy fry appear to be somewhat orange in colour? Whilst consensus on this is unlikely to be reached, I have yet to see pictures, or read any convincing account that supports the claim that this strand of cross breed can be successful. My male guppies, the min I added the 2 platies went straight after the red platie. The goldfish are actually wary of the guppy!!! Sur demande Guppies Ouest de l’Île 09-février-21. There is no need for more than one male. How about you find a new home for the Platy and get you a couple of female fancy guppies? If you have any questions feel free to contact me or leave a comment below. And the guppy that gave birth is a first time mother. Both platies and guppies love to swim, and so they need ample space in the aquarium. Your quite right, there is an awful lot of conflicting information out there, indeed, an awful lot of mis-information. I have 2 female platies and 1 male high fin platy, recently just one of the guppies keeps trying to mate with one of the platies and he is constantly bothering her! One of my female mollies is pregnant from guppies and other mollies. I just watched for the second time a male guppy attacking the spot where the fin was.... Is this usual behavior? Guppies and platys are usually good tankmates when the aquarium is large enough and has the correct water parameters. Pick an aquarium heater that has a built-in thermostat, which will always ensure stable temperatures. 4 years ago. Both platies and guppies are peaceful, active fish. Guppy and platy CANNOT cross. The care level and ease of husbandry are top reasons why keepers flock to have a nice school of platys in their tanks. With livebearers you need a ratio of about 3 to 1. They look like a guppy but with the platy markings. If the guppy is doing damage and/or you feel sorry for the platy there are a couple solutions to this. He isn't really giving her much of a break. The same male to female ratio applies to platy fish as well. The last of the guppies I had died of a prolapse about a month after these were born, so about a month and a half ago, so they could be, and I am thinking they are, and the little ones do look like tiny versions of the female platys I have although someone else said they were female swordtails but nearly 2 months later and they are still haven't grown any bigger. It's up to Captain Cori to rescue Papa Louie and the rest of the customers from Radley Madish, Luau LePunch, and an endless army of slimy Sundaesauruses! Clearly, they will not produce any thing other than a rye smile from those looking on. Sometimes miracles could happen. Yes, Guppies and platies are able to mate, in fact all fish are able to mate there may be a chance of deformities, the reason why all fish are able to mate is because of the ***** count and how many chromosomes they each have. 1 or 2 will be too little and they can die too. Well they are all that I have in my tank and they have been in there alone for nearly a year, thank you /as I’m just starting I need all the help I can get so anything will be good. Right. It seems that this is a source for some of the confusion, Guppies and Mollys’ can and frequently do cross with each other. Mollie fry are much larger than guppy fry — maybe 2+x larger — so breeding a female guppy to a male molly would likely result in the fry deformities you were talking about or even death of the female guppy. Brine shrimp, microworms, and other protein-rich foods can also be offered to them either live, frozen or freeze-dried. I swear she had breed a black molly with a red mickey mouse platy. High Quality anime videos - Weekly anime week 😄 Foxen covers Rezero, Konosuba, Anime news, My Hero Academia, SAO, Isekai Anime, Attack on … Why do female guppies attack male guppies? Some of the signs of platy fish pregnancy include an enlarged abdomen and dark spots on the belly. Can Guppies Crossbreed? It is, therefore, crucial that you create a habitat that is similar to what they would experience in the wild. Males Platys grows up to 2 inches (5 cm), female Platys grows up to 2.5 inches (6.4 cm). Tips for separating male and female guppies, Species Overview: Swordtails (Xiphophorus helleri). I have a male fish, looks like a platy but fins are just like of a male guppy. Any thoughts? They…, If you’re about to breed platy fish, you may want to take a moment to…. Can Guppies And Platies Crossbreed? jual ikan hias air tawar molly guppy platy swordtail dll. That one appears (if the camera colors are true) to be yellowish, while guppy fry are usually a silverish color when first born -- no matter what color the parents are. The guppy gave up and went to the other one. At the time, I was extremely new to fish keeping so that’s why it was a surprise. They will try but they can’t. reply #21. You could go and buy a female guppy or two to keep the male guppy busy. Ok so I added some male guppies and female platys today. A 20-gallon tank is an ideal size for your guppies and platies. Besides regular water changes, a guppy-platy aquarium should have an aquarium filter set up to help with water flow and to remove chemicals and toxins as they accumulate. I saw them and they look insane they are sold at my local pet shop. Guppies are a common and easy-to-care-for option. There are many other factors that can cause those problems. 0 0. Of course, stranger things have happened. suesblues it is possible for all mammals to mate but it would be hard to have a baby if they did not have the same numbers of chromesones. :). My female Platty and my male guppy have 4 healthy babies. Please always ask a veterinarian for help regarding your pets. A thought springs to mind, would a cross Platy/Guppy be a Puppy or a Gaty?? Popular Fish . 3 guppy and 3 platy , if tank is too small for 3 females, dont buy any at all. Your email address will not be published. Michael's Fish Room 9,085 views. Xiphophorus come from the Greek work ‘xiphos’ meaning sword and ‘pherein’ meaning carry.. Platy fish is a common name that refers to three species: the Southern Platy (Xiphophorus maculatus)the Variable Platy (Xiphophorus variatus) If you’re planning on adding other fish species too, make sure to see if they’re compatible with both platy fish and guppy fish, and see if there are any adjustments you should make. Their water requirements are very similar, they both enjoy a planted aquarium, plus they’re both live-bearing fish. To maintain stable temperatures, you’ll need to set up an aquarium heater. I got a nice BIG shock today while cleaning the 27 tall. 5 years ago. They can store the (male stuff) for several months. Please leave me a comment. They can not interbreed. Only guppys, barbs, and corys, so yes they can crossbreed. Join Facebook to connect with Guppy Platy and others you may know. And i will prove you wrong. Tiger cobra guppies. Poecilia). If the Molly is a male you can end up with cross breeding. you read and agreed to the. I finally found a place that shows they crossbreed! Wagtail platy fish also come in a lot of color variations from the common gold and red shades to blue or green. Mine have cross bred. Eventually, the platy will run out of genetic material and cease having fry. This page may contain affiliate links, which will earn us a commission. Breeding Platys and Caring for Platy Fry. In what follows, I’ll offer you tips on tank and water requirements of these fish, so you can create a habitat that’s healthy and enjoyable for both fish. Platy fish belong to Xiphophorus genus and along with Mollies, Guppies and Swordfish are a member of the Poeciliidae family. This is a good blog! Again, you are quite right that Guppies will ‘attempt’ to mate with almost anything in the tank, indeed, I have one that has taken a shine to my 3 year old Cardinal tetra! They’re both well-tempered fish that will not cause trouble or injuries in the aquarium. They all belong to the genus Poecilia. 36 talking about this. the only thing you can do is either move the guppies of the platys to another tank. In a similar vein, I have been told by a local fish stockist that he has produced a Molly/Platy cross, again offering no compelling evidence. Guppy got its name in the name of English priest and scientist Robert John Lechmere Guppy, who in 1886 made a report to Royal Society, in which he told about the fish that spawns juveniles instead of eggs. AquariumNexus.com does not intend to provide any kind of veterinary suggestion. You should have a few of each fish though, if the male guppy is trying to mate with your female platy he will continue to harass her and she will most likely die of stress. The only problem – which can be avoided by setting up a different aquarium – is that adult fish will not hesitate to eat their young. If you’re setting up a new aquarium, live plants can also help speed up the nitrogen cycle, which you should carry out before you add any fish to the tank. The Platy Neon Blue Wagtail is an extremely eye-catching color scheme — neon blue and rosy gray scales combined with black dorsal fins and tail. Can balloon mollies & guppies crossbreed? 2,00 $ Guppy mâles et femelles Ville de Montréal 03-janvier-21. Hi so I have a female guppy and I have had her for a year I just got two female mollies who gave birth and a male platy who I got with the guppy a year ago and now my guppy is pregnant and the only male on the tank is my platy I’m worried about how can anyone tell me what to do (the platy has been moved to a different tank today) thnx. They don’t fit each other. I would remove the guppy to a container filled with tank water. Yes it puts much pressure to female guppy’s organs and may die also. @vale:yes they can if given chance cuz they belong to same family "Xiphophorus". The gestation period takes up to 30 days, and these fish can breed every month or so. The guppy is probably trying to find a mate. Guppy trying to mate platy Hi everyone, I have recently added 4 male guppies to my 20 gallon tank. reply #22. These are generally low-maintenance plants that can don’t have special lighting requirements. They physically cannot manage to mate. Unique color strains have been developed through selective breeding programs. That's one reason the floating plants are a good idea; fry attempt to hide at the water surface. To submit your vote please sign in or sign up, it is free and takes a few seconds. 3 Answers. Which makes perfect sense. Yes, as a matter of fact, Guppies and Platies can indeed live together as they are both hardy fish that can tolerate similar ranges of temperature, toxin, and water pH levels. I have another 5 male guppies. Aim for variety and quality, feed them once or twice a day. If you don’t want them breeding, you shouldn’t keep both genders in the same aquarium. Sur demande Recherché : Je ramasse les poissons que vous ne voulez plus Laval/Rive Nord 06-février-21. And, the females are just juvies!! This time, you will be exploring the Land of Munchmore's sweeter side. Livebearers like Platys can retain sperm for a surprising amount of time after being separated from males of their own kind and become pregnant, for up to around three spawns, without a male being present. Just bought 2 platies, making sure they were both male. It shouldn't be too bad unless you notice that your guppy is doing damage to your platy. They can’t mate. If your aquarium has a lot of plants, they may offer cover for some of the fry until the grow large enough not to be mistaken for food. There are several colours of Platy available in India. Looking for some companions for your platy fish or guppy fish? Guppies mature within 10-20 weeks and can live up to 4 years, in that time females can have many broods of fry. The Poecilia can crossbreed with each other and the Xiphophorus can crossbreed with each other, but Xiphophorus and Poecilia cannot crossbreed.You will see male guppies chasing female platies. Your goal is to recreate their habitat as best you can, using tank decorations like logs, naturally coloured aquarium gravel, hiding spots, and rocks. 9:15. Platy fish are easy to care for and relatively hardy, making them great fish for beginners. One of the male guppies automatically became obsessed with a female platy he keeps rubbing against her like he is trying to mate with her. According to the Encyclopedia of Britannica, guppies are part of Poeciliidae family which consist of three species including : Poecilia reticulata : Also known as Lebistes reticulatus, Fancy Guppy, Rainbow Fish or Millionfish, this is the most widely distributed guppies around the world. As this says, the female can keep *****, may be it is possible. As she’s preparing to give birth, the belly of the female platy will have an angular shape and she will spend her time hiding a lot. I think we have a guppy and platy baby can you help me? I just didn't know now if the larger fry were guppies or platys since they didn't really look like the barely colored yellow and orange female guppies I had and were growing soooo much faster and looked so different than the other platy fry. Platy/Guppy hybrid possible?? Platy is a common name of freshwater fish in the genus Xiphophorus that lacks a "sword" at the bottom of their tails. Is the guppy … However, many fish owners and prospective buyers may not know much about guppies and can benefit from learning … The female hippie I had died because she couldn’t have the babys, suesblues yes they can mate they are both fish they may not be same family but they will. Bonjour, j'ai des platy, guppy et crevette à vendre. The platy is a peace-loving fish with many different variations to their colors. I just watched my platy give birth to MANY fry and there isnt another platy in the tank. Also I found out Platies are killing my Guppies, the guppy was fine one minute swimming about next it's tail is half bitten off, and they are found at bottom of tank, the guppies were male, I wasn't told what the platy's were I think they must be female because it looks like they were the ones which had the babies, with round bellies, none of the fish took notice of the fry. Many think that because there both livebearers they can crossbreed. Many pet shops give awful and misleading advice designed more to sell replacement fish and useless medications than to actually inform. Try and create more visual barriers in the middle of the tank to stop the line of vision being across the tank. Even if they could, the offspring would be infertile so what does it matter. Platy’s can store eggs after giving birth to fry, therefore if the fry is 100% platy, Wally most properly mated with a make Plath in the fish shop. If you’re wondering if platies and guppies can be kept in the same aquarium, you’ll be pleased to find out that platy fish and guppy fish are compatible and can be kept together in the same tank. Born in Quebec . I think you are wrong there Sammy, they cannot crossbreed. , Your email address will not be published. Can Platys Crossbreed with Mollies. An awesome Anime channel! We adopt animals who have lost their homes. 2 mois Fertiles En santé Vivent dans un environnement propre On commencé à prendre des couleurs (rouge, … He seems to want to mate by his fancy showing of his tail and swims almost upside down to do his thang, and it has been over 24 hours and still is hounding the male guppy. yes 2. A better, up close, photo would help though. Many thanks! Guppies and Platys are two different families. Platy fish one of the freshwater fishes, they are livebearers , similar to other fishes like guppy and molly. Xiphophorus come from the Greek work ‘xiphos’ meaning sword and ‘pherein’ meaning carry.. Platy fish is a common name that refers to three species: the Southern Platy (Xiphophorus maculatus)the Variable Platy (Xiphophorus variatus) Platies display many different colors and patterns, so just like Swordtails they’re beautiful little gems that aren’t demanding when it comes to water conditions. The guppy is CONSTANTLY at the platy’s side; I didn’t understand why- until I saw them “do it” for the first time. Se n'ai qu'une petite partie de ce que le guppy m? I’m not sure how they managed to mate either. A 20-gallon aquarium is a good starter aquarium; however, I suggest getting an even larger aquarium if you can to avoid overstocking if you’re planning on keeping multiple guppy and platy fish. All live-bearers (as far as I know) can store eggs so it’s very common for an all female tank to have fry. Water hardness should be up to 12 dGH, while water pH should be around 7.0-7.8. I didn’t know the difference between male and female and named her Wally. AquariumNexus.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com, Platy fish are live-bearing fish that spawn fully-formed juveniles, which are able to swim and…, Platies are an omnivorous species that’s easy to please when it comes to food. The female platy will usually spawn around 20 to 80 platy babies that will be ready to swim and feed. They can get pregnant and give birth several times after mating once. A male live bearer will try to mate with any other female. If you choose to keep both males and females, keep them at a ratio of 2:1. On average, platies are larger than guppies with ½ inch and require a bit more space in their aquarium. How to catch Ghost Shrimp. Oh, and I think it should be a Gaty — we already have puppies! a guru veteran at My Aquarium Club. Les crevettes ont plusieurs couleurs, j'en ai des orange, rouge, jaune, transparente. They are usually compatible though. Guppies and Platies do not have the correct equipment to breed/fertilise. Méthode de déblocage Grille de collection (page 4, colonne 2, ligne 3) Purity est un objet passif déblocable apparu dans l'extension The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth. Dec 11, 2012. tunastrack. I have 3 other female platys and 1 male platy. Lifespan in the wild differs from that of a live tank, but depending on the dynamics of the aquarium guppies can live slightly longer than in the wild.With a … Answer Save. Just don't let the candy fool you, it's dangerous out there! Fancy Guppies These hardy colorful guppy fish add excitement and brilliance to the passive community aquarium. It is very easy to take care of and well suited for the freshwater fish beginner. Guppies and platies both want to live comfortably. Thanks for the clarity on Guppy/Platy cross breeding. The gonopodium structure in each of these breeds are different. They can be a very active tropical fish if given good water conditions. Guppies cannot breed with Platies but they can breed with Mollies. Relevance. Aquarium a vendre avec filtreur et roche possibilité d'avoir des poissons guppy platy et Molly 250$ nego mtl nord Favori. If you can produce genetic proof of that, you’ll make a fortune. Platy Fish Fry Care – How to Care for Baby Platies. Female livebearers can ’store’ s.perm and give birth to several batches of fry after only one contact with a male. Mickey Mouse Platy Habitat and Care . Other Fish Compatible with Bettas and Platies. Favori. Make sure you do a 30% water change weekly to remove built-up nitrates and other chemicals. Member. JGluvsfish. You can opt for commercial fish foods like high quality flakes, which should also contain vegetable matter in its ingredients along with vitamins, minerals, and protein. Real scientists have to start their proper experiments. The tails has bite marks out of it. Kirsty: I’d be very, very surprised if you do since, as stated in the article, those two fish can’t breed. I set up a small tank for my parents and incuded guppies, platies and danios and they all get along really well apart from one male guppy who took an instant dislike to the male sunset platy and hounded him constantly. So... what do you think? I do think a lot of the myth does have to do with people confusing mollies and platies. Hello all. Comment reconnaître les différents types de Guppy, les différentes races (variétés). Feeds on wor… His equipment is both the wrong size and wrong shape. Read more…. Moreover, both these breeds are completely capable of living in absolute harmony with each other. They are usually compatible though. If the guppy is doing damage and/or you feel sorry for the platy there are a couple solutions … I am ready for any advice! Simply set up a spacious tank with the parameters and equipment I described in this article, and you can enjoy your community aquarium. Debcc is But fish do not. Best Food for Platy Fish – How to Feed Platies? Well, I had 2 female guppies and one male platy to start off, and I did get ONE fry. You should also know both species are tropical fish. Therefore, while guppies may feel at ease even in a 10-gallon aquarium, for platies I recommend a larger tank. They’re both omnivorous and have high appetites. No deformities can be seen. I have 4 Platies (3 female and 1 male. Live plants provide a shelter and some microorganisms to eat, and fast growing species like hornwort also improve water quality by ingesting toxic nitrogen compounds. So I will keep the platy in the same pond and will let you know what happens. So u try with female molly and male guppy? Can poecilia latipinna and poecilia sphenops interbreed? Grouped together with their close cousins, the swordtails, platys are part of the genus known as Xiphophorus.They are hardy, compatible … Avoir comment les petits seront. Whilst consensus on this is unlikely to be reached, I have yet to see pictures, or read any convincing account that supports the claim that this strand of cross breed can be successful. Luckily, guppies and platies can thrive in the same water conditions. Pregnant Platy Fish – Is Female Platy Fish about to Give Birth? So recently my female guppy gave birth to a few fry, and I noticed that two of the fry are orange and the others are the normal color a guppy fry should look like. You don’t need an expensive canister filter, a hang-on-back filter is just right for 20-gallon tanks and even bigger ones. Lv 4. They give birth to live fish and have very similar keeping and feeding requirements, which makes them a great match. Fry Fry Fryday #3 Breeding for profit with sword tail fry, guppy fry, platy fry and molly fry - Duration: 16:19. When they are mature, set up a series of tanks with guppy/platy pairs. Plants not only help clarify the water from toxins, but they can also provide cover and sustenance for fish in the form of algae that grows naturally on them. Cardinal Tetra Neon Tetra Glowlight Ember Tetra Bleeding Heart Lemon Tetra Rummy Nose Tetra Serpae Tetra Congo Tetra Skirt Tetra Small Tetras Bigger Tetras. (I caught a fever today as well, so I’m not in for a debate). However, it can get diseases like fish TB. Blue grass guppies. sadly, not on this occasion, they simply cannot crossbreed. The local fish shop have offered to take the guppy off my hands and put him in a large tank with others but in the meantime he is in with my three large goldfish and seems to be loving it!
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