Tier List Description. When fully awakened, 100% chance to revive the wielder with 25% health and a barrier. Often seen on units to tank Wyvern or bait/ tank units in PvP. Dans cette Tier List, les unités on des points fort selon leurs utilité dans un groupe. Increases defense of all allies by 10% and the wielder takes a portion of the damage that the ally would take up to 20%. https://epic7x.com/artifact/abyssal-crown/, https://epic7x.com/artifact/alexas-basket/, https://epic7x.com/artifact/elbris-ritual-sword/, https://epic7x.com/artifact/reingars-special-drink/, https://epic7x.com/artifact/rod-of-amaryllis/, https://epic7x.com/artifact/proof-of-valor/, https://epic7x.com/artifact/holy-sacrifice/, https://epic7x.com/artifact/sigurd-scythe/, https://epic7x.com/artifact/touch-of-rekos/, https://epic7x.com/artifact/rhianna-luciella/, https://epic7x.com/artifact/bastion-of-perlutia/, https://epic7x.com/artifact/junkyard-dog/, https://epic7x.com/artifact/tagehels-ancient-book/, https://epic7x.com/artifact/adamant-shield/, https://epic7x.com/artifact/elyhas-knife/, https://epic7x.com/artifact/waters-origin/, https://epic7x.com/artifact/steadfast-gatekeeper/, https://epic7x.com/artifact/magarahas-tome/, https://epic7x.com/artifact/moonlight-dreamblade/, https://epic7x.com/artifact/midnight-bloom/, https://epic7x.com/artifact/portrait-of-the-saviors/, https://epic7x.com/artifact/rosa-hargana/, https://epic7x.com/artifact/wondrous-potion-vial/, https://epic7x.com/artifact/crimson-seed/, https://epic7x.com/artifact/strak-gauntlet/, https://epic7x.com/artifact/sashe-ithanes/, https://epic7x.com/artifact/daydream-joker/, https://epic7x.com/artifact/cursed-compass/, https://epic7x.com/artifact/timeless-anchor/, https://epic7x.com/artifact/exorcists-tonfa/, https://epic7x.com/artifact/prophetic-candlestick/, https://epic7x.com/artifact/labyrinth-cube/, https://epic7x.com/artifact/egg-of-delusion/, https://epic7x.com/artifact/ranons-memorandum/, Epic Seven Combat Power Calculation Guide, Runes of Magic Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), World of Warplanes Best Planes Per Tier Guide, Top Eleven How To Win Against Any Formation Guide, War Thunder Ground Forces Comprehensive Guide. It’s a good choice for Desert Jewel Basar and Destina as well. Last updated on: 02/10/2021 3:35 AM. Very good for units that lack cleanse. Increases Combat Readiness of the caster when attacked. Lucy - Rating and Stats. This increases the healing effect received by all allies. This artifact can fit anywhere you need extra survivability. Portrait of the Saviors (Any) https://epic7x.com/artifact/portrait-of-the-saviors/. Inflicts additional damage to the enemies when using AoE attacks. It’s run on Luna or Ken as well but I think the first 2 benefit the most of this artifact. When you have a team that can inflict a lot of debuffs, you can equip this artifact to a Mage hero for increased damage dealt against debuffed enemies. This is the list of all the available artifacts in the game currently. Bittersweet Dessert Festival, New Hero Announcement! Increases dual attack chance of the wielder by 14% and increases attack by 30% when it’s not the casters turn. This is very useful on Soulweavers like Elena who has long cooldowns and can make great use of a counter set and heals this way. Often seen on units like Tamarinne and Maid Chloe but this can be a situational pick for any soulweaver. Artifact List. ToFat4Fun’s Artifact Tier List 17-06-2020: Link: https://tiermaker.com/list/epic-seven/epic-seven-artifacts-tier-list-456324/661575, Abyssal Crown (Mage) https://epic7x.com/artifact/abyssal-crown/. Alexa’s Basket is a popular artifact for Thieves that need to do high damage, such as Arbiter Vildred, Kayron and sometimes seen on Baiken as well as on Assassin Cidd. This artifact is useful for main DPS Mages that can deal a lot of damage against the enemies. 1 Fallen Cecilia 2 Sigret This tier list is made by Dredrick, who plays in Champion ranks in RTA. Character Tier List. Increases caster's Critical Hit Chance whenever somebody's turn starts. The opponent won’t know your hero is on Holy Sacrifice until it procs, they can only guess. Apocalypse Ravi sees some usage as well. It is a useful artifact especially for defense teams in Arena and Guild War. Proof of Valor (Any) https://epic7x.com/artifact/proof-of-valor/. Very good on Soulweavers that need to cycle turns. Epic Seven Walkthrough Team. This guide is based on my personal opinion and experience. Increases effect resistance by 60% when health is above 50% and the effect is halved when health is below 50%. Epic Seven Artifact Guide / Tier List. Grants a random buff to the caster for 2 turns after attacking. Increases Evasion and Defense of the caster as Health decreases. This artifact reduces incoming damage by 30 to 15% and can be put on any hero. Epic Seven Wiki, Database, News, Strategy, and Community for the Epic Seven Player. Increases combat readiness by up to 8% when an ally is attacked by a skill that targets all allies. I used this myself a lot on Celeste or Cerise when using Challenger Dominiel to nuke one opponent, resulting in my team getting pushed. Examples are Pavel, Lena, Watscher Schuri, Little Queen Charlotte and Blood Blade Karin. Can be used in Defense or RTA content, especially for a team that uses Soulburn attacks. Recover up to 10% of all allies’ max health when hit, only activated once per turn. Also not every artifact is covered in this document. Oath Key (Any) https://epic7x.com/artifact/oath-key/. Heals an ally with the lowest Health when using a basic skill (1st Skill). Epic Seven Tier List – Best Characters: – Epic Seven Tier List: 5-Star Characters/Ratings/Build/Artifacts: – Apocalypse Ravi ⇒Element – Dark. She is a utility attacker that focuses on disrupting the enemy over . Defence increases by 20% when health is above 50%. The counter against any evasion unit or artifact. Bloodstone (Ranger) https://epic7x.com/artifact/bloodstone/. You guessed, right. It’s becoming popular with Charles as well. Since her EE came out she starts seeing more usage and Dingus Orb is the go-to choice artifact for her, offering a massive shield and a damage increase on her next attack. This is meant for units that need to land debuffs on turn 1. Rosa Hargana (Ranger) https://epic7x.com/artifact/rosa-hargana/. 20% Chance to increase combat readiness by 15% at the end of the enemy’s turn. An artifact used for PvE content that can increase AoE attacks when attacking Elite or Boss monsters, equip this artifact with Mages that can deal with cleave attacks. Classement Epic Seven en fonction de la polyvalence des unités. This is often held by Fallen Cecillia but seeing it on ML Crozet or Lillias isn’t uncommon either. The adventure game mode is the classic mode in which you should spend the vast majority of your time. Elbris is a very good artifact as the RnG counters can mess up your rotation and even kill or lock down your units. Below is a list we graded them on their ability to do perform in various categories of the game. Epic. Bittersweet Dessert Festival, ★New Hero Announcement! Though we now have artifacts like Proof, Sepulchrum and Sword of Ezera that fulfil this role better. Useful artifact for PvP content increases Combat Readiness of the caster when using a non-attack skill making it faster for her turn. Stuff like Dux Noctis will not be covered. Oath Key decreases chance of missing by 20%, nullifying Moonlight Dreamblade’s evasion effect. Heals the ally with the lowest Health when using a non-attack skill. It gives units more damage while at the same time reducing incoming damage, this screams bruiser artifact to me. 26 Feb . GUIDES. Epic Seven Pet Synthesis Step by Step Guide. Uberius's Tooth. A reverse proof of valor. Increases combat readiness by up to 10% when an ally is attacked by a single attack. This is best in slot for Mirsa and Violet due to their passives stacking evasion. by ToFat4Fun. So, I think it will be a bit more reasonable to be around C+ tier. Reduces skill cooldown for 1 turn, which is an ideal artifact for Mages since most of their skills have a long cooldown. Specter Tenebria can also decimate teams by repeatedly spamming S1 with soulburn. epic seven arena tier list. Unlike Timeless Anchor, this artifact will get rid of the debuff on the same turn it got inflicted. A really OP artifact when it comes to Ranger Exclusive. Warrior. Take note that some bosses, especially raid bosses ignore damage that scales with maximum health. RnG Combat Readiness boost. epic seven arena tier list. This document is based on the state of the game at 17/06/2020 and from the point of view of a Champion RTA and Arena player. She isn't banned often but can draw bans if your team selection is full of Tier S or A picks. This is sometimes used for prolonged fights on very fast or very slow units. This artifact scales extremely hard with the opponent’s maximum health. Ultimate Guide & Walkthrough Wiki. Good for units that want to cycle skills fast or have long cooldowns. 7 Min Read. Dust Devil (Thief) https://epic7x.com/artifact/dust-devil/. Tier List Epic Seven: 5 best heroes of the Adventure game mode. In my opinion, this epic 7 tier list is a complete waste of your time. Junkyard Dog & Torn Sleeve (Warrior & Thief) https://epic7x.com/artifact/junkyard-dog/ & https://epic7x.com/artifact/torn-sleeve/Those 2 artifacts enable a lot of Wyvern 13 comps using units that can attack a lot and apply debuffs this way. This allowed my units to get pushed every time an opponent got picked off. Epic Seven Artifact Tier List. Units like Seaside Bellona, Yuna and even Regular Bellona can make use of this. Le mode de jeu aventure est le mode classique dans lequel vous devriez passer la grande majorité de votre temps. Bastion of Perlutia (Knight) https://epic7x.com/artifact/bastion-of-perlutia/. I really like this artifact on heroes like Seaside Bellona (PvP as PvE wise, can catch people off-guard), regular Bellona. Draco Plate is a very good artifact for units like Apocalypse Ravi and Alencia. Grants increased damage when using AoE attacks. This document is based on the state of the game at 17/06/2020 and from the point of view of a Champion RTA and Arena player. Increases Defense of all allies and takes some fo the damage suffered by allies when attacked. © Smilegate MegaportThe copyrights of videos of games used in our content and other intellectual property rights belong to the provider of the game.The contents we provide on this site were created personally by members of the Game8 editorial department.We refuse the right to reuse or repost content taken without our permission such as data or images to other sites. Very good artifact, if not the best artifact for Vivian. When fully awakened, it has a 24% chance to stun, shutting down an entire team is very possible with just this artifact. It gives the wielder a Greater Attack Buff and/or Increased Critical Hit Chance (50%) buff for 1 turn at the start of your turn. Drink is very good on Seaside Bellona. Also works great on Angelic Montmorancy to drastically increase her healing output. Water’s Origin (Soulweaver) https://epic7x.com/artifact/waters-origin/. Sepulcrum (Warrior) https://epic7x.com/artifact/sepulcrum/. Depending on context, this artifact is better against tank comps and superior to portrait. Because of the presence of Basar, F Ceci gets countered pretty hard for the first few turns unless the enemy brings a cleanser with it. February 26, 2021. March 13, 2019 March 13, 2019 - by Admin - Leave a Comment. Epic Seven Zodiac Catalyst Guide By: RyanXSinclaire. Alexa’s Basket (Thief) https://epic7x.com/artifact/alexas-basket/. Boosting her CR for more cycles. Increases Dual Attack Chance and also increases damage when it is not the caster turn. Events. Ratings – PvP Arena(7.5), Raid7), Hunt(7), Abyss(8), World(7), Guild(8.5). This artifact allows you to focus on more damage and forgives missing crit rate on heroes. Most often used for Kayron and Blood Blade Karin. Build – HP/Counter-Set/CRIT-Rate/CRIT-DMG. Increases Defense and Effect Resistance of the wearer when Health decreases by up to 100%. A good alternative when you don't have the artifact Shimadra Staff. Designer Lilibet - Rating and Stats, New Hero Announcement! Very good for Assassin Cartuja, Ravi and not uncommon on very slow Dark Corvus. Very good for units that you want or need to evade some hits. Another support artifact that increases the Critical Hit Chance of all allies. Can be equipped for Soul Weavers that act as a Tank in their team. A massive shield for your DPS hero. Artifact Tier List | Epic Seven. At the start of battle, grants a barrier equal to 15-30% of the caster’s max health to the ally with the highest attack for 2 turns. Iela Violin (Mage) https://epic7x.com/artifact/iela-violin/. This is such an impactful artifact that I would say it’s part of the top 5. Recovers Health when receiving damage. Sees most usage on a PvE tank. Lucy - Rating and Stats, https://www.webtechsky.com/kick-the-buddy-mod-apk-android-ios/, Register as a member and get all the information you want. Reingar’s Special Drink (Ranger) https://epic7x.com/artifact/reingars-special-drink/. You can only level an artifact to level 15 unless you limit break it … When fully awakened has a 70% chance to dispel one debuff when attacked. Inflict additional random debuff to the enemies. Increases speed of the caster by 2%, stacks up to 10 times. Increases that Attack and Critical Hit Chance of the caster whenever somebody's turn ends. Adamant Shield (Knight) https://epic7x.com/artifact/adamant-shield/. We see a lot of usage of this artifact on Charles and Fallen Cecilia, because of their massively increased threat with Elbris equipped. 40% chance to reduce cooldowns by 1 turn when attacked, can be activated once per turn. PvE bosses have a lot of health so with DDJ you just need some attack and Critical Hit Damage to increase your clear speed by a lot. This artifact heals the ally with the lowest health by 13-26% of the damage done. It's based on what I think are good artifacts and see a lot of usage. Class – Warrior. Basically Hilag Lance, but for incoming AoE attacks. Epic Seven Artifact Tier List By: ToFat4Fun. Dingus Orb (Mage) https://epic7x.com/artifact/dignus-orb/. Crown is one of the most oppressive and popular mage artifacts right now. Also Schuri sees usage on this artifact since his dual attacks push the teams CR. Very strong defensive artifact that reduces incoming critical hit damage by up to 16%. Increases Effect Resistance of the caster when Health is at 50% or less. A great item for PvP content since it will provide 20 Souls from the start of the battle, giving you an advantage against the enemies by using Soulburn Attacks. Bittersweet Dessert Festival ★New Hero Announcement! A great CR pusher for the team when an enemy is defeated. The most broken artifact in the game in my opinion. Increases critical hit chance of all allies by 16%. PVE. An alternative for tank heroes, this artifact grants increased Defense when the caster Health is above 50%. Event Description Duration Ends in ; Pavel Banner. Grants Stealth to the caster after defeating an enemy and also increases its Attack. Useful in both PvE and PvP. With her being out now, I think Cerise is the perfect end game unit for most players. Especially counter Dizzy as your opponents won’t be able to keep buffs up. This artifact is a must have if you want to use Martial Artist Ken. Unlike Crimson Seed, this artifact does not dispel on the same turn that a debuff gets applied, but Timeless Anchor can be triggered multiple times without getting a turn. 1% chance for Kayron, 1.05% chance for Alexa's Basket. Celestine (Soulweaver) https://epic7x.com/artifact/celestine/. Increases the Healing effect skills of a Soul Weaver. Can only occur once per turn though. This artifact can be equipped for tank heroes. Table of Contents. This effect resets at the beginning of the casters turn, so it has to ramp up after your unit gets a turn. HUNTS. Very good situational, but heavily countered by the ever increasing amount of meta stripping units and Iela Violin. With great ratings and over a million installs from the Google Play Store, Epic Seven is one of the most popular gacha games in the market right now. Recommended Artifacts – Strak Gauntlet, Crimson Seed(HP Build). Decreases skill cooldown by 1 turn when attacked. Epic Seven Arena Offense Meta Teams Guide By: aiai. Also not every artifact is covered in this document. Grants an extra turn to the caster when using this Artifact. Sashe Ithanes (Ranger) https://epic7x.com/artifact/sashe-ithanes/. Elyha’s Knife (Thief) https://epic7x.com/artifact/elyhas-knife/. This guide is based on my personal opinion and experience. Increases Hit Chance of the caster making lessen the chaances of missing an attack. Exorcist’s Tonfa (Any) https://epic7x.com/artifact/exorcists-tonfa/, Budget Portrait of the Saviors, increases damage dealt by 16% when the enemy’s health is over 50%, Prophetic Candlestick (Any) https://epic7x.com/artifact/prophetic-candlestick/. With that being said here is a list of artifacts that you should always keep! This artifact is a must have for units like Diene, who have no innate healing. Epic Seven Character Tier List with LDPlayer. Situational Top 5 candidate but it’s countered by a 3* artifact, Oath Key. Moonlight Dreamblade (Thief) https://epic7x.com/artifact/moonlight-dreamblade/. Very good for heroes that get great value from using Basic Skill or S1 a 2nd time. Epic Seven: Hero Tier List, Stats, And Re-Rolling Guide. This guide is based on my personal opinion and experience. 1% chance for Pavel, 1.05% chance for Dux Noctis. 80% chance to dispel a buff after attacking. Penetrates Defense of the enemy when attacking an enemy, not at max Health. A widely used example is Angelica. A great support artifact for rangers that can heal the ally with the lowest health. Dispels one random debuff in allies, a useful artifact for Soul Weavers that cannot dispel debuffs. When reporting a problem, please be as specific as possible in providing details such as what conditions the problem occurred under and what kind of effects it had. Support artifact that increases Attack and Defense of all allies. Some Mages have a non-attack skill, which they can benefit from this artifact that also decreases skill cooldown by turn. Epic. More. Increases Attack and Evasion by of the caster, but the effect can only stack up to 3 times. An artifact used on Hall of Trials content where it can increases damage dealt against the enemy. Arena - How useful or effective they are in the arena offense. There is a different class for heroes such as Warriors, Mage, Thief, Soul Weaver, Ranger, and knight. Crimson Seed (Warrior) https://epic7x.com/artifact/crimson-seed/. Used by heroes that need to be tanky and players that do not have access to better artifacts. Magarahas Tome (Soulweaver) https://epic7x.com/artifact/magarahas-tome/Increase combat readiness by 15-30% when using a skill that does not attack enemies. At least for Hunts this artifact is a must on your DPS. … It uses the turn-based combat style. Enhances the basic attack dealing more damage against the enemies. Dealing more damage against the enemies. 16309. post-template-default,single,single-post,postid-16309,single-format-standard,bridge-core-2.6.5,qode-page-transition-enabled,ajax_fade,page_not_loaded,,qode-title-hidden,qode-theme-ver-25.0,qode-theme-bridge,disabled_footer_bottom,qode_header_in_grid,wpb-js-composer js-comp-ver-6.5.0,vc_responsive. The order is arbitrary, I will give a description of why I think the artifact is good and who can utilize it the most. For Ken, in fact he is better now (but not too good, though), his overall performance can shoot up to almost 1 tier. Increases combat readiness when hit and health is below 75%. Contents Show. This artifact is very good for cleave units and some single target nukers. ★Special Side Story! Hilag Lance (Knight) https://epic7x.com/artifact/hilag-lance/. However, I personally still choose Water’s Origin over this, I feel like the CR push is more worth it. Rod of Amaryllis (Soulweaver) https://epic7x.com/artifact/rod-of-amaryllis/. Some artifacts that are not top 5 might be BiS for guild war, RTA, Raid or a specific game mode, this guide is to give a general impression of the artifact. Guide / Tools . Equip this artifact to Thief heroes such as Righteous Thief Roozid, Judth, Khawana that uses non-attack skills. ★Special Side Story! Feb 15, 2020; Epic Seven: Useful 3 Star Artifacts! The trend seems to be shifting towards Touch of Rekos, but I personally still think Water’s is better. You will waste a lot of time grinding here and there instead of doing what you want to do in the game – fight bosses. Best In Slot PvE artifact. Rhianna & Luciella (Thief) https://epic7x.com/artifact/rhianna-luciella/. Game8 - Your Go-To Platform For All Game Walkthroughs and Strategy Guides, In order for us to make the best articles possible, share your corrections, opinions, and thoughts about. Let’s start off with her skill 3. Cursed Compass (Any) https://epic7x.com/artifact/cursed-compass/. Tier A. World - How well the character perform in regular adventure mode for normal and world. Share! Touch of Rekos (Soulweaver) https://epic7x.com/artifact/touch-of-rekos/. Aurius (Knight) https://epic7x.com/artifact/aurius/. Designer Lilibet - Rating and Stats, ★New Hero Announcement! This artifact is equipped for your cleave heroes, to increase damage dealt against enemies. We see this on Lillias often as well. Welcome to the artifacts page! Has the same effect as the Portrait of the Saviors, it also increases damage dealt when the Health of the enemy is more than 50%. Epic Seven Rin Detailed Guide. I choose the ones I know are actively being used and/or are niche picks. Midnight Bloom (Any) https://epic7x.com/artifact/midnight-bloom/. Each character will have their skills, and you can use various artifacts to enhance their power.
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