A guide on how to counter Team GO Rocket Grunts in Pokemon GO. A guide on how to counter Team GO Rocket Grunts in Pokemon GO. Includes Pokémon lineups for all Grunt fights. Mega Gyarados release, Tauros in Timed Research, special bonuses and exciting spawns, this event looks like one to look forward to! Pick up a bundle of three Remote Raid Passes in the shop starting on Saturday, February 27 at 1:00 p.m. Pacific time to Monday, March 1 at 1:00 p.m. Pacific time. Software developer. Buddy up! If you’re lucky, you might even encounter a Shiny Articuno, Shiny Zapdos, or Shiny Moltres! I also recommend going through your Shadow Pokémon and purifying and transferring them. Breaking News We have some serious extremes weather-wise right now, so making sure you are dressed suitably is so important. Pokémon GO Hub is the biggest Pokémon GO news site, publishing several informative guides, analysis, and news articles every month. Pokémon GO Hub is the biggest Pokémon GO news site, publishing several informative guides, analysis, and news articles every month. If you need more friends, check in your local groups, discords etc, post on social media, fill up that friends list and get yourself more gifts. This monumental event in Pokémon GO... Kyogre is a Tier 5 Legendary Raid Boss in Pokémon Go, being a member of the Weather Trio with Groudon and Rayquaza. Other surprising  items taking up your bag space might be an excess of berries, so get feeding them into gyms for stardust, or evolution items. We’re hearing reports that Giovanni will be returning with a different Shadow Legendary Pokémon in his clutches. Make sure you know you are following a reputable, trusted source, there are bound to be dodgy photoshops making the rounds, so check your sources. There are a bunch of videos on how to do this on Youtube, so check them out here. Best Kyogre counters... Groudon is a Tier 5 Legendary Raid Boss in Pokémon GO, being a member of the Weather Trio with Rayquaza and Kyogre. Dedicated, focused and loving Pokémon GO. No? Guidelines can vary town to town, state to state, country to country, so make sure you are aware of your specific local guidelines. The best Groudon... Pokémon GO Hub is the biggest Pokémon GO news site, publishing several informative guides, analysis, and news articles every month. Dedicated, focused and loving Pokémon GO. Best Kyogre counters... Groudon is a Tier 5 Legendary Raid Boss in Pokémon GO, being a member of the Weather Trio with Rayquaza and Kyogre. Give your Pokémon storage a huge clear out and be brutal. It’s worth checking our social media and website to see what the day entails so you can plan ahead, and keep your expectations in check. FleeceKing and LaurenLolly have been reported as the first 2 people in the world to achieve Level 50! I’m going to wait until the morning of the Tour to max out my bag space, because otherwise I know it’s just going to fill up without me realised. Now is the time to get tough on your collection and get transferring. This monumental event in Pokémon GO... Kyogre is a Tier 5 Legendary Raid Boss in Pokémon Go, being a member of the Weather Trio with Groudon and Rayquaza. Don’t risk getting yourself in trouble for breaking the rules, or at risk of spreading the virus. Stay safe, have fun, and look after yourselves! Bagon uses Fire, Dark, Ice or Ghost fast moves, and Fairy or Steel charge attack. Read by millions of Pokémon GO players all around the world. So when you are checking a cluster, the ones you haven’t checked, won’t be facing you, so this should save you time on checking the same Pokémon twice. With an increased chance of lucky friends, prioritising your best friends is the way to go this week, but once you’ve opened gifts from people you want to try hit lucky with, open, open, open! If you live somewhere you can legally and safely play outside, make sure you have portable battery packs charged and charger cables at the ready. I’ve picked green, so my bestie Max has picked red, so we can make sure we have our version exclusives to trade to each other so we can get the full 151 Kanto Pokémon on the day. Credits for a ton of images used on GO Hub go to Pokewalls and their beautiful collection of minimal Pokémon wallpapers. Credits for a ton of images used on GO Hub go to Pokewalls and their beautiful collection of minimal Pokémon wallpapers. Balls, balls, balls, that is all you need to care about this week. Pokémon GO Hub is the biggest Pokémon GO news site, publishing several informative guides, analysis, and news articles every month. Another nifty tip is that when you have clicked on a Pokémon to shiny check it, it will turn to face you. Don’t burn or give yourself heatstroke, or you’re gonna have a bad time. If you don’t have your bag space maxed out, maybe the morning of the Kanto Tour is the time to go for it. If you are in the Western Hemisphere, we do have an advantage over other parts of the world. Go through your Pokédex and make a note of what you are missing, you might be surprised to realise how many you need, or realise you have shinies you had forgotten about. Dedicated, focused and loving Pokémon GO. For example, in the UK we are only allowed to leave our homes for essential reasons or exercise. Currently we don’t have any idea what to expect in terms of shiny rates, but we hope it will be something like GO Fest, if not better. With two different ticket options, red and green, and exclusive Pokémon to each version, talk to your friends before you pick if you haven’t already. © 2016 – 2021 Pokémon GO Hub | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, Pokémon GO Tour Kanto: Red vs Green version differences, Level 43, 45, 48 and 50 Challenges Tasks and Rewards. With less than a week to go for the Kanto Tour on 20th February, here are some last minute tips for prepping and making sure you can enjoy your day to the fullest! Take inspiration from Marie Kondo, does this Pokémon spark joy? Multiple thin layers are better than one or two thick layers, and a good waterproof coat. If you wear your hair in a part, make sure that part is covered in sun screen too, it’s easy to forget. Earn up to five free Raid Passes by spinning Photo Discs at PokéStops or Gyms during event hours. Transfer community day shinies to Pokémon HOME or to the Professor. Credits for a ton of images used on GO Hub go to Pokewalls and their beautiful collection of minimal Pokémon wallpapers. Off to Professor Willow you go! You don’t need to keep them all (unless you love them for AR), so get rid of what you don’t need. Get ready to complete some new Team GO Rocket Special Research to save this Pokémon, Trainers! Dedicated, focused and loving Pokémon GO. Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres will be appearing in five star raids, Giovanni is back with a new shadow legendary, Frustration will be TM-able during the event. Includes Pokémon lineups for all Grunt fights. Love Cup 2021 Guide – Everything you need to know about... GO Rocket Grunts Guide: Counters and Lineups. Do you need one of every Spinda pattern? Be sure to prioritise checking an incense spawn over wild spawns, as incense spawns will only last for a very short period of time with one spawning every minute, and you don’t want to miss out on that shiny check! ), so this will be your best chance to get that shiny living Kanto dex. It’s key to also make sure you have any incense, star pieces or lucky eggs you might want to use, and remember you can stack them up now, so get them on at the start of the event and then you won’t have to worry about them running out during. If it is spring/summer where you are right now, sun screen is key! Discord username: Zeroghan. Keep an eye on the weather, it isn’t worth risking your health for Pokémon, so stay indoors if the weather is extreme and keep safe! Sunday, February 28, 2021, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. local time. There is no double transfer candy this month, so get transferring them now. Love Cup 2021 Guide – Everything you need to know about... First 2 Level 50s in the World & Level 48 Reset... Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres will be appearing in five-star raids! Gloves you can use your phone with, and good sturdy walking boots to keep you from slipping are great too. Way too much space take up from my bag. Potions and revives soon fill up when raiding, so keep them to a minimum, keep your berries in check, and focus on those balls. Sunglasses and sunhats will help protect you too. Mind your stardust though, I don’t recommend purifying those 5000 dust Pokémon! The largest and most accurate Pokemon GO database in the world. Keep hydrated and fed and you’ll have a much more fun day. I put a bunch into Noibat because no way am I going to 400 candies anytime soon to evolve that cutie, and then checked into which legendary Pokémon I want to power up and put rare candies into them as well. Exercise does not include meeting up with anyone else, and people have been fined for travelling out of their area to play Pokémon GO. Pokémon GO Hub is the biggest Pokémon GO news site, publishing several informative guides, analysis, and news articles every month. On this page Date and timeFeaturesRelated articles Date and time Sunday, February 28, 2021, […] type Pokémon are often a pretty neglected bunch! You are never going to need 20+ shinies of one particular Pokémon (unless it is your fave, I get it, I hoard shiny Turtwig! If you are planning to really grind, learning the ‘Quick Catch‘ trick can be a real help (though I have to admit, as a leftie, I can’t figure it out!). Even if you are playing from home, making sure you know where your chargers are and keeping an eye on that battery power can save you. With a whopping 12 hours of play time, that is a serious amount of Pokémon to catch! If you keep a living dex, make sure you only have multiples of the meta relevant Pokémon. Dedicated, focused and loving Pokémon GO. © 2016 – 2021 Pokémon GO Hub | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, GO Rocket Grunts Guide: Counters and Lineups, Pokémon GO Tour Kanto: Red vs Green version differences, Level 43, 45, 48 and 50 Challenges Tasks and Rewards. During the event period, you can use a Charged TM to help a Shadow Pokémon forget the Charged Attack Frustration. Opening your maximum amount of gifts every day this week will help you with your ball hoarding, so make sure you are sending out as many gifts as you can, and be sure to open your full amount each day. Mask up, keep 6ft apart, wash your hands, and use sanitiser when you can. The Lunar New Year Event is coming and gosh are we hyped! 29 years old. Pokémon GO Hub is the biggest Pokémon GO news site, publishing several informative guides, analysis, and news articles every month. Every single Kanto Pokémon will be available shiny, and we are hoping for a shiny rate similar to GO Fest (or better, we’d take better! Having a list will help you prioritise what you are going to click on in a cluster of spawns. The exclusive spawns are incense only, so you you will need incense to get them! 54.5k Followers, 39 Following, 173 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Pokémon GO Hub (@pogohub) Before the day itself, I’d recommend making yourself a shiny checklist of what you need from the Kanto region. It is a long event, you are gonna need those chargers! Mawile is weak to Fire and Ground moves. ), it’s time to say goodbye to them. Plan ahead for snacks, lunch and drinks, as well as bathroom breaks. Do you need to keep that 98% Ampharos when you have the hundo? Breaking News Pokemon GO Hub - Pokemon GO Guides, Tutorials, News and Forums Make sure you hit your limit each day. Recommended counters Check with your local raid groups and community and pair off, or at least make sure there is a good mix of you with each ticket version, so on the day you aren’t panicking about finding someone to trade with. Pokémon GO is closing out the Pokémon Day weekend festivities with a Kanto-themed Raid Day. Pokémon GO Hub is the largest Pokémon GO news website in the world. Follow us on Twitter! The best Groudon... Pokémon GO Hub is the biggest Pokémon GO news site, publishing several informative guides, analysis, and news articles every month. You don’t need 20 of each legendary, keep your best teams of 6 if you must, but make sure you go through them, you’ll be surprised how many you have. Turtwig obsessive, AR Photographer and Pokémon GO Hub AR Queen. Check up on your local laws and guidelines regarding Covid 19 and make sure you are protecting yourself. Also, make sure you actually pick your ticket option before the event starts to save time! I say purify first because to hit level 50 you need a lot of platinum badges, and that is a badge you can work on passively. With extreme weather in a lot of the world, battery percentages can drop suddenly, so don’t let it get too low! With the likes of New Zealand, Australia and Japan starting so long before us, there will be a lot of available data on social media about the quest lines and what you need to do. Normal Type Pokémon AR Feature is out! Last thing anyone needs is to run out of data part way through the day. Credits for a ton of images used on GO Hub go to Pokewalls and their beautiful collection of minimal Pokémon wallpapers. Antonio started the Hub in July 2016 and hasn't had much sleep since. Dedicated, focused and loving Pokémon GO. This looks like a great event! Dedicated, focused and loving Pokémon GO. Sun screen is still needed in winter, that sun can be incredibly harsh, especially glancing off the snow. Credits for a ton of images used on GO Hub go to Pokewalls and their beautiful collection of minimal Pokémon wallpapers. 1,599 talking about this. Have you hoarded a whole bunch of legendary Pokémon for trades? I’m going old school and am going to make a paper list I can keep in my pocket, rather than a note on my phone, as I don’t intend to be off the app at any point. Pokémon GO is closing out the Pokémon Day weekend festivities with a Kanto-themed Raid Day. Publishing several informative news, updates, guides, and research articles every month. We hope that the quest line will reward plenty of Pokéballs to keep us well stocked, and we really hope that the quest are able to be completed entirely from home. Make sure you have access to cool drinks, shady spots, and wear light airy clothing that is going to keep you cool, whilst protecting your skin. As more common spawns in Pokémon GO many of their designs aren’t appreciated enough, but there are so many cool types. If it is winter/autumn, wrap up warm! I realised the other day that my item bag space was constantly full and I couldn’t figure out why… I’ve been raiding a lot lately and I had over 700 rare candy hoarded!! Maybe lunch time is the time you go home (if you are allowed to play outside) so you can have a rest, charge your phone, and refuel with a decent lunch. Set timers to reapply and make sure you apply a good half an hour before you go out into the sun to let it sink in and work. Stay safe and protect your health service and those around you. Sorry but it is time to let them go! If you can, take advantage of the increased distance trading this week and reroll some if you can, but you are going to have to be brutal. Make sure you charge overnight so your phone is ready to go, and that you have plenty of data left if you won’t be on WiFi all day. If you will be using a GO Plus or similar, make sure you have plenty of Pokéballs over Great Balls, it soon gets through them, so use Great/Ultra balls to manually catch, and leave your Pokéballs for the GO Plus. You don’t need a whole bunch of each evolution item, either use them or throw them. Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres will be appearing in five star raids, Giovanni is back with a new shadow legendary, Frustration will be TM-able during the event. FleeceKing and LaurenLolly have been reported as the first 2 people in the world to achieve Level 50! Team GO Rocket Grunts will be appearing more frequently at PokéStops and in balloons throughout the event window.
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