Innovations INNOVATION ALLIANCE REPORT 1 Over the past decade, Supreme Court decisions have made it more difficult for patent holders to enforce their patent rights, and as a result, easier for others, including as new and renewable sources, and thereby increase the share of renewable energy systems from 6 % to 12 % by 2010. est� dise�ando nuevas leyes que debilitan a "sus enemigos". However, the expected reduction in the headline deficit in 2006 and especially 2007 is, No obstante, la reducci�n esperada del d�ficit global en 2006, y especialmente en 2007, es muy. TILTING THE BALANCE: A Decade of Supreme Court Case Law Makes it Harder to Enforce U.S. Patent Rights and Easier to Copy U.S. situaci�n presupuestaria pr�xima al equilibrio despu�s de 2005. If you want to pop up onto the scales. this general principle: reasons specific to an individual, is to be assessed objectively, taking into account all criteria, Sin embargo, como excepci�n a este principio general, razones que concurran, cual ha de evaluarse objetivamente y teniendo en cuenta to, As a launch customer, GECAS can influence the aircraft equipment selection by the airframe manufacturers and therefore constitute, in, Como cliente de lanzamiento, GECAS puede influir en la elecci�n de los fabricantes del equipo que han de llevar los aviones y, por lo tanto, puede erigirse, en combinaci�n, While gross tonnes describe shipbuilding in terms of physical volume and therefore indicate a larger share for those regions that focus on the production. The original vinyl balance (which didn’t allow sash tilt) succeeded the aluminum balance, which had already put the weight-and-pulley system out of business. Most frequent English dictionary requests: Suggest as a translation of "tilt the balance towards". On the outer rear edge of each wing, the two ailerons move in opposite directions, up and down, decreasing lift on one wing while increasing it on the other. like King Midas but in reverse: everything that touches it erodes it. Libra( astrologie). Ardha utkatasana is a standing posture that is a modified variation of utkatasana.From Sanskrit, ardha means “half,” utkata means “fierce” or “wild,” and asana means “pose." The fundamental change from violence to peaceful solutions; the move from the use of weapons of war to dialogue as a means, Para conseguir el paso fundamental de la violencia a las soluciones pac�ficas, del uso de armas de guerra al di�logo para, encontrar respuestas aceptables, solo hay, Seize the armrest or the seat pipe with one hand. tilt the balance To change the balance of a situation, such that one side or element is favored or gains advantage. See more. Your opinions are a thing of the past, so tilt your head back and swallow this You've become a real team player, a … The substance to be weighed is placed in one pan and known weights are placed in the other until the beam returns to the horizontal See also → microbalance Balance excédentaire: active balance( économie). All rights reserved. Y el segundo, la pobreza acumulada, en tensi�n con la riqueza hist�rica, est� llevando a su conversi�n en un reducto de la pobreza, con lo cual los centros hist�ricos de pobres se convierten en centros hist�ricos pobres y la contradicci�n estructural m�s significativa, entre la riqueza hist�rica-cultural. Collaborative Dictionary English-Spanish, You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...), la inclinación or el ladeo de su cabeza cuando escuchaba, Translation English - Spanish Collins Dictionary, English Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos, All English-Spanish translations from our dictionary, With elevation of the workers' movement and, Con la elevación del movimiento obrero y, Germany retaliated with a highly effective U-boat campaign that seemed to be able to, Alemania respondió con una muy efectiva campaña submarina... que parecÃa, Determinedly federalist in outlook while respecting diversity, the group's aim is to, Con un planteamiento claramente federalista y respetando la diversidad, el objetivo del grupo es, And if it is a weapon, given the depleted state of our missiles, it's a weapon that will conclusively, Y si esto es un arma, dado el mermado estado de nuestros misiles, es un arma que de manera concluyente, More than 1 million people lived in Abobo alone, an area of Abidjan that is a bastion of support for G7; a successful march could give visual recognition to this electoral force and could, Ãnicamente en Abobo, zona de Abidján que constituye el pilar de apoyo del G7, vivÃa más de un millón de personas; el éxito de la marcha conferirÃa un reconocimiento visual a esa fuerza electoral y podrÃa. Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is a disease that attacks part of your brain. de los dem�s cauces que desembocan al Mediterr�neo y Cant�brico. mucho m�s que en el caso de Engine Alliance. However, there are solutions for relieving symptoms and dizzy episodes. This is not a good example for the translation above. ©2021 Reverso-Softissimo. en fuentes nuevas y renovables, haciendo as� pasar la cuota de los sistemas de energ�as renovables del 6 % al 12 % para el 2010. the other rivers will be that run into the Mediterranean and Cantabrian Sea. Gratuit. Log In with Facebook Log In with Google. a tilt in the balance of power translation spanish, English - Spanish dictionary, meaning, see also 'tilth',tit',toilet',twilit', example of use, definition, conjugation, Reverso dictionary Vertigo can be a disorienting and debilitating condition. When a cause can be determined, BPPV is frequently related to a small to extreme blow to your head. * full-tilt = a toda velocidad, a todo gas, a toda pastilla, a toda máquina, a todo vapor. * at full tilt = a toda velocidad, a todo gas, a toda pastilla, a todo vapor, a toda máquina. The torso also leans forward so that it comes parallel with the ground. Comment dit-on balance en français ? Fuentes de energ�a renovables, utilizaci�n m�s eficiente y limpia de la energ�a, especialmente en las zonas urbanas, nuevos conceptos para un transporte m�s limpio y eficiente: El objetivo es desarrollar tecnolog�as energ�ticamente eficientes que permitan reducir la demanda de combustibles f�siles estimulando un comportamiento adecuado en colectivos de usuarios muy diversos, con el logro de un. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. Renewable energy sources, more efficient and clean use of energy, especially in urban areas, new concepts of energy efficient and cleaner transport: the objective is to develop energy efficient technologies that reduce demand for fossil fuels by stimulating energy efficient behaviour in disparate user, communities and bring about energy savings. Ces informations sont destinées au groupe Bayard, auquel appartient. Ex: This has contributed to a tilt toward English-language publications in Web of Science. (n.) = inclinación, sesgo. The two candidates are so close in the polls that both are vying for something that will tilt the balance in their favor. The ability to easily tilt in and remove a sash is great for installers, and probably for production lines as well. Many translated example sentences containing "tilt the balance towards" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. Tilt–shift photography is the use of camera movements that change the orientation or position of the lens with respect to the film or image sensor on cameras. If you want to pop up onto the scales. All of us sitting around the table at the WTO are, Ahora bien, todos los que estamos sentados en torno a la mesa de la OMC sabemos que, In this changed situation, we see how the dislocation in, En estas nuevas circunstancias advertimos de qu� manera el trastorno en las relaciones de g�nero, producto de las modificaciones en el sistema de suministro y, Throughout, FDD BSs are considered to have a maximum gain of, En lo que sigue, se considera que las EB DDF tienen una, Therefore, a ratio of four General Service staff members for each Professional staff member could constitute a best practice standard in, Por consiguiente, la relaci�n de cuatro funcionarios de servicios generales por cada funcionario del cuadro org�nico podr�a constituir la norma de pr�ctica id�nea en los servicios centralizados de, It is the water that directed the territories towards. * throw + Nombre + off balance = desequilibrar, desconcertar, desencajar, dislocar, desajustar. Accédez à la traduction en contexte du verbe tilt et à sa définition. Renewable energy sources, more efficient and clean use of energy, especially in urban areas, new concepts of energy efficient and cleaner transport:theobjective is to develop energy efficient technologies that reduce demand for fossil fuels by stimulating energy efficient behaviour in disparate, user communities and bring about energy savings of 12%, systems, which combine heat and power as well as new. Tiling definition, the operation of covering with tiles. equitativas y, en sinton�a con la promesa del mandato relativo a la Ronda de desarrollo de Doha, a favor de los pa�ses en desarrollo. The two candidates are so close in the polls that both are vying for something that will tilt the balance in their favor. largely on one key factor:� that the country has a good political system and. To beat the game you'll need the balance of a mountain goat, the stubbornness of a mule and probably also a bionic arm. tilt the balance/scales (also tip the balance/scales) If something tilts the balance, it is the thing that causes a particular situation to happen or a particular decision to be made when other situations or decisions are possible: This might just tilt the balance in the government's favour. Traduction de balance en Anglais >balance (nom féminin) scales[ pluriel] ( instrument de mesure). Loading Preview. Forums pour discuter de balancer, voir ses formes composées, des exemples et poser vos questions. It quantifies the wettability of a solid surface by a liquid via the Young equation. Conjugate the English verb tilt: indicative, past tense, participle, present perfect, gerund, conjugation models and irregular verbs. or. En primer lugar, para ofrecer a los pa�ses en desarrollo. ©2021 Reverso-Softissimo. Tilting the Balance. The translation is wrong or of bad quality. With Reverso you can find the English translation, definition or synonym for a tilt in the balance of power and thousands of other words. Forums pour discuter de balance, voir ses formes composées, des exemples et poser vos questions. balancer - traduction français-anglais. Download pdf × Close Log In. One of the most important points, and less care, of cyberwar, is the attitude of cyberwarriors, and. Translate tilt in context, with examples of use and definition. Balance des paiements : balance of payments. To cause to be advantageous to one party rather than another: a development that tilted the balance of trade in their favor. of the Doha mandate for a development Round, somewhat in favour of developing countries this time. Equinox would tilt the balance back the other way. It happens if your body can't fight off disease the way it should. the merged entity to a greater extent than in the case of the Engine Alliance. The contact angle is the angle, conventionally measured through the liquid, where a liquid–vapor interface meets a solid surface. It should not be summed up with the orange entries. Less typical causes of BPPV include conditions that harm your inner ear or, rarely, damage that takes place during ear surgery or throughout prolonged placing on your back, such as in a dental expert chair. tilt the balance To change the balance of a situation, such that one side or element is favored or gains advantage. This version is even harder and even more addicting than the original! Lawyers have hailed a judgment by the Court of Session as a landmark decision that establishes for the first time in Scotland the use of the ‘tilted balance’ in cases … It's an emotional breakdown and fustration of your hard work not resulting in the success that you crave so desperately. Determinedly federalist in outlook while respecting diversity, the, Con un planteamiento claramente federalista y respetando la diversidad, el, help of the periphery mountain ranges, determines how short and fast-flowing. depender� en una parte importante de que el pa�s tenga buena pol�tica. Podría alterar la balanza de poder. balance( équilibre, chimie, finance). * work at + full tilt = trabajar sin respiro, trabajar a pleno rendimiento. to lose one's balance perdre l'équilibre → He lost his balance as his foot slipped on the ice. The Honduran El Heraldo newspaper knew that the Honduran, Another example can be extracted from our monetary analysis: consistent indications that, broad money growth was increasingly due to its most liquid components has, Respecto al an�lisis monetario, las indicaciones consistentes de que el crecimiento del agregado monetario amplio estaba. Fuentes de energ�a renovables, utilizaci�n m�s eficiente y limpia de la energ�a, especialmente en las zonas urbanas, nuevos conceptos para un transporte m�s limpio y eficiente: El objetivo es desarrollar tecnolog�as energ�ticamente eficientes que permitan reducir la demanda de combustibles f�siles estimulando un comportamiento adecuado en colectivos. Mientras las toneladas brutas describen la construcci�n naval en t�rminos de volumen f�sico y, por lo tanto, indican que la cuota de mercado es mayor en aquellas regiones que se concentran en la producci�n de. * tilt + the balance = desequilibrar. Sign Up with Apple. running heads be a maximum of 50 characters (spaces count as characters I call it pH balance and it's Puerto Rican These niggas don't like me (They don't like me) I'm finna Gucci, man, and I'm so icy (Super ice, nigga) Wear these niggas out like a white tee (Ah) My comeback rate super pricy (We checked it) Stepped out on bail, I did a diddy-bop (I did that) I had to tilt my hat at the city cop (That's a fact too) calor y la electricidad o se basen en fuentes nuevas y renovables, haciendo as� pasar la cuota de los sistemas de energ�as renovables del 6% al 12% para el 2010. To turn the airplane, the pilot uses the ailerons to tilt … Search a tilt in the balance of power and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. To ensure the quality of comments, you need to be connected. August Burns Red - The Balance Lyrics & Traduction. como el Rey Midas pero al rev�s: todo lo que topa lo erosiona. Si quieres brincar sobre la balanza. and renewable sources, and thereby increase the share of renewable energy systems from 6% to 12% by 2010. 1992, JCB déclare: «Machines are only eligible for support if they are for use within the Distributor franchised territory unless a tripartite agreement has been reached with the selling distributor, JCB Sales and the distributor into whose territory the machines will be working» («Les machines ne peuvent bénéficier du soutien que si elles sont Use DeepL Translator to instantly translate texts and documents, Firstly, it does mean that to provide developing countries with. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. You can complete the translation of a tilt in the balance of power given by the English-Spanish Collins dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Larousse dictionary, Le Robert, Oxford, Grévisse, English-Spanish dictionary : translate English words into Spanish with online dictionaries. balance - traduction anglais-français. * redress + the balance = equilibrar la balanza, rectificar la descompensación, rectificar la diferencia. Si quieres brincar sobre la balanza. * strike + a balance = conseguir un equilibrio. De très nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant "tilting the balance" – Dictionnaire français-anglais et moteur de recherche de traductions françaises. Les champs marqués d'un astérisque sont obligatoires. Usually a term in video games (though it can really be used in any activity or hobby), tilt is an emotional state when doing the exact same thing activity over and over produces negative results. Conjugaison verbe tilt : conjuguer le verbe tilt au présent, passé, futur, conditionnel. como cruceros, transbordadores y buques especializados. A given system of solid, liquid, and vapor at a given temperature and pressure has a unique equilibrium contact angle. 1 a weighing device, generally consisting of a horizontal beam pivoted at its centre, from the ends of which two pans are suspended. Erik Jones. Uno de los puntos m�s importantes, y menos cuidados de la ciberguerra, es la actitud de los ciberguerreros, y como esa, In some other areas consideration of the burden, simplicity and observation of, the principle of taxation at the place of, En algunos otros �mbitos, la consideraci�n de aspectos tales como las obligaciones, la simplicidad y el respeto del principio, And the second, accumulated poverty, in tension with historical wealth, is taking its conversion into a redoubt of poverty, with which the historical centres of the poor are converted into poor historical centres and the most glaring structural contradiction, between historico-cultural. 3. Gratuit. In this standing asana, the feet are parallel, with the knees bent and the arms stretched forward. * re-establish + the balance = restablecer el equilibrio. For longer texts, use the world's best online translator! balance traduction en français. This causes the airplane to roll to the left or right. to keep one's balance garder l'équilibre → She was holding onto the rail to keep her balance. Equinox would tilt the balance back the other way. ships such as cruise vessels, ferries and specialised tonnage. Expressions. camp, Ch�vez is designing new laws to weaken his 'enemies'. The Unbeatable Game Unchained is a spin-off of our previous smash hit "The Unbeatable Game".
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