The agreement creates an ambitious free trade area with no tariffs or quotas on traded goods, full market access for services and public procurement and a solid chapter on level … The European Union is a unique economic and political union between 28 EU countries that together cover much of the continent.The predecessor of the EU was created in the aftermath of the Second World War. Important information for candidates. … Important! Validity check Licence Number . Les plages horaires de présence obligatoire sont de 9h30 à 12h00 et de 15h00 à 16h30. The service is not available on Belgian public holidays or on official Commission holidays. If you accept it, the system will remember your language preference for future website visits in the next year; if you refuse it, your language preference … Les stages à l’EU-OSHA visent à permettre aux stagiaires de comprendre les objectifs et les activités de l’Agence, d’acquérir une expérience et une connaissance pratiques de son travail quotidien et de travailler dans un environnement diversifié, multiculturel et multilingue, contribuant au développement de la compréhension mutuelle, de la confiance et de la tolérance. TRAINEESHIPS DGT Les demandes de congé doivent être approuvées. The European Commission traineeship programme is open to university graduates, from all over the world.Traineeships are available in a wide range of fields and offer a great insight into the work of the EU. Nous nous concentrerons sur chacun d'entre eux tout au long de l'année, en suivant l'évolution des choses au cours des prochains … It is, therefore, not possible to provide a complete list of basic diplomas. Quel est l'horaire de travail normal à la Commission? If you are applying to the Commission’s Traineeships Programme, please note … À propos de la nouvelle présence de la Commission sur le web, Organiser des réunions, des groupes de travail et des débats publics et y participer, Chercher de la documentation, rédiger et remanier des textes, notamment des rapports et des consultations, Répondre aux demandes d'informations des citoyens, Un intérêt pour les questions européennes, L’envie de découvrir les méthodes de travail de la Commission, La volonté de travailler dans un environnement multiculturel, Un regard neuf sur les tâches quotidiennes de la Commission. > Informations sur la COVID-19 . The utility engine emission standards are to a large degree aligned with the … We all in Knowledge Centre for Food Fraud and Quality (KC-FFQ) produce and make sense of scientific information to protect the authenticity and quality of food supplied in the EU. The KC-FFQ is hosted by the JRC and its main laboratories are based at its Geel site in Belgium. EU funded European Training Network – (MSCA-ETN-2020 GA no: 861034) Two Early Stage Researcher positions (with enrollment into a PhD programme) to start in January 2021 deadline 20 November 2020 Moreover, the applicant will get in touch with … sont comprises ou non. Email address: EACEA-HELPDESK@EC.EUROPA.EU. On December 9, 2002, the European Parliament adopted Directive 2002/88/EC [2905], amending the nonroad Directive 97/68/EC by adding emission standards for small spark-ignited engines below 19 kW. If your query is not technical in nature, please do not contact the Helpdesk but refer instead to the programme … It offers practical advice and useful tips on issues such as living, studying, working, shopping, travelling – or, as a company, … The first steps were to foster economic cooperation: the idea being that countries that trade with one another become economically interdependent and so more likely to avoid conflict.The result was the European Economic Community (EEC), created in 1958, and i… To accomplish this, … The Centre complements the activities of the EU Food Fraud Network, which is operated by the European Commission Department for Health and Food Safety. With the update of the EU’s Trade Enforcement Regulation, the EU is able to act in a broader range of circumstances. Lisez-le attentivement avant de le signer. The applicant will be paid a full-time salary, subject to Marie Skłodowska-Curie regulations. European Commission - DG Environment . You may, for example, work in the field of competition law, human resources, environmental policy, etc. Inscriptions pour la session de mars 2022 vont ouvrir en juillet 2021 Vérifiez votre compte pour … The content of the messages may be confidential. European Commission - DG Climate Action . Application criteria: If you have already worked (paid or unpaid) for more than six weeks for in any other European institution, EU body, EU Executive Agency, EU delegations, for Members of Parliament (MEPs) or Advocates General at the EUCJ, you are not eligible to apply for Blue Book traineeship. Many countries are in the process of reviewing their higher education systems. Knowledge Centre for Food Fraud and Quality. L’horaire de travail officiel est de 8h30 à 12h30 et de 13h30 à 17h30. EU-UK trade relations The EU and the United Kingdom have reached an agreement in principle on the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement which provisionally applies as from 1 st January 2021. L'état des lieux est un rapport d'inventaire complet du bien et de son état. L’état des lieux d'entrée fait partie du contrat de location. Fin des inscriptions. European Union website - EUROPA is the official EU website that provides access to information published by all EU institutions, agencies and bodies. Nous avons réalisé qu'il nous restait beaucoup de choses à expérimenter, mais aussi que certaines inégalités s'étaient aggravées suite à la crise. Il doit être signé immédiatement par les deux parties au moment où vous emménagez. Please log in through the EU Login by clicking on the button below and follow instructions. La pause déjeuner minimale est de 20 minutes. In line with EU Directive 2009/136/EC, please note that a cookie will be stored on your device. Find out what a Traineeship has to offer you. ODS Licensing System English (en) English (en) Deutsch (de) français (fr) italiano (it) polski (pl) español (es) ελληνικά (el) European Commission; Climate Action; Policies; Ozone; Licensing and reporting; Licence validity check Enter the licence number to check the validity of an ODS licence. Les frais de visa et les frais médicaux liés à mon stage seront-ils remboursés? À la fin de votre séjour, l’état du bien sera à nouveau contrôlé. : +39 0332 78 9063 JRC Science Hub JRC110082 EUR 29123 EN PDF ISBN 978-92-79-79973-0 ISSN 1831-9424 doi:10.2760/10016 Print ISBN 978-92-79-79974-7 ISSN 1018-5593 doi:10.2760/789069 Vous et votre propriétaire devrez remplir et signer trois formulaires pour ouvrir le compte. D'octobre à la fin du mois de février de l’année suivante. Filters: Advanced filtering . Vous pouvez ouvrir le compte bancaire bloqué à votre nom auprès de n’importe quelle banque, sur présentation d’un contrat de location et de votre carte d’identité. Faced with the risk of increasingly severe and frequent natural and man-made disasters, policy-makers and risk managers - both specifically in Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and across all EU policies - need the best knowledge and evidence from local, national, European and global levels, and from all stages of the DRM cycle: prevention; reduction; preparedness; response … The content of the job largely depends on the service in which each trainee carries out his/her traineeship. At the Department of Chemistry, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany, Institute for Macromolecular Chemistry – Smart Membranes, one Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN "STIMULUS" Early Stage Researcher/PhD position is available for 36 months, within the framework of the International Training Network "STIMULUS", starting earliest 1st March and latest 1st of … L’indemnité pour les sessions de stage 2021 sera de 1 229,32 euros par mois. Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN "STIMULUS" Early Stage Researcher/PhD position. Robust new trade enforcement rules have entered into force that will further strengthen the EU’s toolbox in defending its interests. Subsequent career opportunities may vary between these different entities. The ENRD is not a membership organisation. Votre horaire de travail effectif dépendra de votre unité et de votre charge de travail: consultez votre conseiller à votre arrivée. Details: Result list Organisations per country New organisations Organisations per activity Organisations size. RULES governing the traineeship programme. La connaissance des procédures et des politiques des institutions européennes, La possibilité de contribuer au travail quotidien de la Commission, La mise en pratique de vos connaissances théoriques. The service is available from 08:30 to 17:30 Monday to Thursday and from 08:30 to 17:00 on Fridays (Brussels time). We train early-stage researchers (Ph.D. students) for a career in biomaterials by researching smart wound dressings that can detect and treat bacterial infections without opening the wound. Annex II - European institutions and bodies. Statistics about those applying and details of who gets selected. Location and services. Elle est déposée sur un compte bancaire bloqué établi à votre nom et au nom de votre propriétaire. Découvrez ce qu'un stage a à vous offrir. Des stages scientifiques sont également disponibles au Centre commun de recherche de la Commission (JRC). Please ensure that you have read and fully understand these rules before applying to the Blue Book traineeship. The Directive also extended the applicability of Stage II standards on constant speed engines. Vous pourrez, par exemple, travailler dans le domaine du droit de la concurrence, des ressources humaines, de la politique environnementale, etc. Il est illégal de payer la garantie locative en espèces. Si vous postulez au programme de stages de la Commission, veuillez prendre connaissance des implications de la COVID-19 sur les candidatures et le déroulement des stages. Vous pourrez ensuite y verser la garantie locative. Strong EU trade enforcement rules enter into force . Si vous le faites, vous n'aurez aucun moyen de demander son remboursement à la fin de votre séjour. La nature de votre travail dépendra du service auquel vous êtes affecté. Des stages sont proposés dans tous les services et agences de la Commission européenne, principalement à Bruxelles, mais aussi à Luxembourg et ailleurs dans l’Union européenne. À quoi dois-je être attentif/-ve pendant ma recherche de logement? Le personnel de la Commission travaille 40 heures par semaine, 8 heures par jour. The Eurydice network primarily focuses on the way education in Europe is structured and organised at all levels. It is a useful tool to find information on … The starting point is the Your Europe website designed to give you information about your rights across Europe. In 2018, the European Commission published two communications on a European strategy for Artificial Intelligence (AI), in April and the Coordinated Action Plan in December. Make sure you know the rules before applying, Reflections, comment and opinions from former trainees. The European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) serves as a hub for exchange of information on how Rural Development policy, programmes, projects and other initiatives are working in practice and how they can be improved to achieve more. Any emails and attachments which are part of an email exchange between the Traineeships Office and external parties are strictly confidential and intended solely and exclusively for use by the individuals and/or entities to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended addressee, it is forbidden for you to disseminate, disclose, distribute or copy any message received. Twice a year, the Commission offers 5-month paid internships in EU Directorates, Institutions and agencies, which have signed a Service Level Agreement with DG EAC/the Commission. Ne signez pas de contrat de location pour une durée supérieure à votre période de stage et vérifiez si les charges (électricité, gaz, chauffage, internet, etc.) Address: European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Directorate E, Unit E.4 Email: Tel. The Plan foresees the creation of AI Watch, the “Commission Knowledge Service to Monitor the Development, Uptake and Impact of Artificial Intelligence for Europe". Découvrez si vous pouvez postuler pour un stage, Les étapes que votre application traverse, Ce que vous devez savoir si vous êtes sélectionné, Contrôleur européen de la protection des données, Comité des stagiaires de la Commission européenne, Réseau des anciens stagiaires de la Commission européenne, MyIntracomm: intranet pour les stagiaires actuels. Inscriptions terminées pour la session d'octobre 2021. Please select your language form the dropdown below. The mission of the Eurydice Networkis: To provide those responsible for education systems and policies in Europe with European-level analyses and information which will assist them in their decision making. Trainees work all over the European Commission, its services and agencies, mostly in Brussels, but also in Luxembourg and elsewhere across the European Union. If you have already worked (paid or unpaid) for more than six weeks for in any other European institution, EU body, EU Executive Agency, EU delegations, for Members of Parliament (MEPs) or Advocates General at the EUCJ, you are not eligible to apply for Blue Book traineeship. Votre contrat de location doit être établi par écrit. Oui, les frais de visa et les frais médicaux s’y rapportant seront remboursés, de même que les frais de voyage. (Commission Decision of 2.03.2005 - C(2005)458). Assurez-vous de connaître les règles avant de postuler, Réflexions, commentaires et opinions des anciens stagiaires. Early Stage Researcher (PhD-candidate) - Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN "STIMULUS" We are looking for: In Faculty IV, Chemistry & Biology, Physical Chemistry I, we are looking for a Early Stage Researcher (PhD-candidate) at the following conditions: 100% = 39,83 hours Limited for 36 months Within the framework of the International Training Network "STIMULUS", starting … Its work aims to engage and reach anyone with an interest in and … Please note that you can only apply once you have been awarded a university-level or equivalent diploma comprising at least 3 years of study (see point 2.2 of the rules). Partagez vos commentaires sur le site et aidez-nous à améliorer votre expérience. Europass is a set of online tools to help with creating CVs, cover letters and also help users to find jobs and courses in the EU. Your Europe Advice is part of a set of information and advice tools for citizens and businesses about their EU rights. Europass also matches user skills and interests such as location and topic to success suitable jobs. European Court of auditors, the guardians of the EU finances. The new rules upgrade the EU's enforcement by introducing the following … Statistiques sur les candidats et détails sur les personnes sélectionnées. If you volunteered for activities supporting the European Union and its institutions (such as EPSO's EU Career Ambassadors, DG Education and Culture's Erasmus Ambassadors, Youth Ambassadors or similar initiatives), please mention this in the 'motivation' section of your application, not under 'professional experience'! EMAS REGISTER Published organisations. La garantie locative représente normalement 1 ou 2 mois de loyer. Your Europe Advice. It provides a vast source of information, including • Detailed descriptions and overviews of national education systems • Comparative thematic reports devot… Des stages sont proposés dans tous les services et agences de la Commission européenne, principalement à Bruxelles, mais aussi à Luxembourg et ailleurs dans l’Union européenne. Avec tout cela à l'esprit, nous avons l'intention de nous concentrer sur trois thèmes principaux. Find out if you can apply for a traineeship, What you need to know if you are selected, European institution, EU body, EU Executive Agency. The nature of your work will depend on the service you are assigned to. Droits et obligations des citoyens européens fréquentant le système éducatif d'un autre État membre de l'UE: frais d'inscription, épreuves de langue, reconnaissance des qualifications, etc. La nature de votre travail dépendra du service auquel vous êtes affecté. Votre propriétaire peut demander qu'un montant soit déduit de votre garantie locative si le bien a été endommagé. 2021 STIMULUS is a European Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network working on reducing healthcare-associated infections. If you have received one or more messages by mistake, please notify the sender immediately by email and delete the message(s). is available for 36 months, within the framework of the International Training Network "STIMULUS", starting earliest 1st March and latest 1st of September 2021. Elle sera remboursée à la fin du contrat, lorsque l'«état des lieux» de sortie du logement aura été établi.