[20], The Roman Martyrology, the Catholic Church's official list of recognized saints, for February 14 gives only one Saint Valentine: a martyr who died on the Via Flaminia. Before he was killed, Valentine wrote a last note to encourage Julia to … In the third century, the Roman Empire was ruled by Claudius II Gothicus. Trouver saint Valentin n’est pas chose facile.L’Église catholique en propose neufs différents morts entre le IIIe et le XXe siècle. Torture et décapitation nocturne: le patron de l’amour est considéré comme martyr pour l’Église. [42] Many of the current legends that characterize Saint Valentine were invented in the 14th century in England, notably by Geoffrey Chaucer and his circle, when the feast day of February 14 first became associated with romantic love. Valentine’s Day, in fact, originated as a liturgical feast to celebrate the decapitation of a third-century Christian martyr, or perhaps two. "St. Valentine, Chaucer, and Spring in February". The holiday … Toutefois Saint Valentin de Terni, à l'époque de la Rome antique, est celui le plus généralement assimilé à la fête des amoureux. Saint Valentine of Rome was martyred on February 14 in AD 269. St Valentine - Saint Valentine | Facts, History, & Legends | Britannica.com - 3rd century christian martyr in whose honor valentine s day was originally celebrated (according to church tradition st. Posted by: Admin - Februari 15, 2021 The First Valentine. 3rd-century Christian martyr and saint from Terni (near Rome), Italy, The Triumph of Saint Valentine painted by Valentin Metzinger, circa 18th century, Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, 1983, p. 1423. († 268) Saint Valentin. A force de rencontres et d'échanges, ils tombèrent amoureux jusqu'à ce qu'un miracle se produit : Julia retrouva la vue ! Although it is not known whether this legend is factually true, it is a good story anyway. Ring in the new year with a Britannica Membership, This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Saint-Valentine, British Broadcasting Corporation - Saint Valentine, Catholic Education Resource Center - History of St. Valentine. [32], There are many churches dedicated to Saint Valentine in countries such as Italy. St. Valentine beheaded. Did you know we celebrate the Valentines day in the memory of Saint Valentine? The festival of Valentine's Day may have evolved from a Roman love lottery, held around the time of the Lupercalia. “Valentine was … Merchandise for Valentine's Day is on display at a supermarket in Washington, D.C., on February 9, 2018. The judge put Valentinus to the test and brought to him the judge's adopted blind daughter. See Answer. Around 500 c.e., Pope Gelasius decided that a lottery of saints was more pious than selecting potential love partners out of a jar. [25] Immediately humbled, the judge asked Valentinus what he should do. Since 1936, thanks to the then bishop of the Diocese Sarno-Cava, Msgr. This was then associated with the romance of Valentine. En 495, le pape Gélase I décide d'en finir avec la licence de la fête païenne des Lupercales célébrées du 13 au 15 février et décide de la remplacer par la fête du 14 février, jour de trois saints martyrs appelés Valentin, dont Valentin de Terni. These are the relics of the bishop of Terni. Martyrologe romain Attempts to identify him with the only 3rd-century Claudius. The first St. Valentine was a priest and physician in Rome. February 14 is Saint Valentine's Day in the Lutheran calendar of saints. The flower-crowned alleged skull of St. Valentine is exhibited in the Basilica of Santa Maria in Cosmedin, Rome. The inconsistency in the identification of the saint is replicated in the various vitae that are ascribed to him. Saint Valentine's Church in Rome, built in 1960 for the needs of the Olympic Village, continues as a modern, well-visited parish church. Saint Valentine Priest and Martyr(† 268) Valentine was a holy priest in Rome, who assisted the martyrs during the persecution under Claudius II. At least three different Saint Valentines, all of them martyrs, are mentioned in the early martyrologies under date of 14 February. La vertu de saint Valentin, prêtre, était si éclatante, qu'il fut arrêté par l'empereur Claude II. Valentine and Saint Marius aided the Christian martyrs and secretly married couples, and for this kind deed Valentine was apprehended and dragged before the Prefect of Rome, who condemned him to be beaten to death with clubs and to have his head cut off. [27], An embellishment to this account states that before his execution, Saint Valentine wrote a note to Asterius's daughter signed "from your Valentine", which is said to have "inspired today's romantic missives".[28]. [15] However, it is found in the Martyrologium Hieronymianum,[16] which was compiled between 460 and 544 from earlier local sources. A common hagiography describes Saint Valentine as a priest of Rome or as the former Bishop of Terni, an important town of Umbria, in central Italy. En 269, Saint Valentin aurait été arrêté, flagellé, condam… Eva Hambach/AFP/Getty Images. The Eastern Orthodox Church officially celebrates St. Valentine twice, once as an elder of the church on July 6 and once as a martyr on July 30. Valentinus replied that all of the idols around the judge's house should be broken, and that the judge should fast for three days and then undergo the Christian sacrament of baptism. [34] This church was really named after a 4th-century tribune called Valentino, who donated the land on which it is built. [52], Another set of relics can also be found in Savona, in the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta.[53]. Saint-Valentin : une fête païenne ou chrétienne ? [33], A 5th- or 6th-century work called Passio Marii et Marthae made up a legend about Saint Valentine's Basilica being dedicated to Saint Valentine in Rome. Omissions? Martyrologe romain Did you know we celebrate the Valentines day in the memory of Saint Valentine? Saint Valentin, le saint martyr retiré du calendrier liturgique Réécouter Saint Valentin, le saint martyr retiré du ... Si le saint martyr a bien existé au IIIème siècle, la célébration amoureuse de sa fête semble aussi liée aux Lupercales, un rite de fécondité romain de la mi-février. Dimanche de la Quinquagésime – ” Jésus lui dit : Vois ! At least three different Saint Valentines, all of them martyrs, are mentioned in the early martyrologies under date of 14 February. For these deeds he was said to have been beheaded on the 14th of February. He was buried on the Via Flaminia, and Pope Julius I reportedly built a basilica over his grave. The origin of Saint Valentine’s Day goes back to the 3rd century. [10][11] Members of the Greek Orthodox Church named Valentinos (male) or Valentina (female) may observe their name day on the Western ecclesiastical calendar date of February 14. The feast of St. Valentine of February 14 was first established in 496 by Pope Gelasius I, who included Valentine among all those "... whose names are justly reverenced among men, but whose acts are known only to God.". Saint Valentine was a clergyman – either a priest or a bishop – in the Roman Empire who ministered to persecuted Christians. It is possible these are different versions of the same original account and refer to only one person. "Chaucer's St. Valentine: A Conjecture." His commemoration was still in the 1962 Roman Missal and is thus observed also by those who, in the circumstances indicated in Pope Benedict XVI's 2007 motu proprio Summorum Pontificum, use that edition. In fact, Whitefriars Street Church is one of three churches that claim to house the remains of Valentine. Toi Tū Toi Ora Details of ancient Christianity are sketchy since for much of the Church's early years, it was a crime to be a Christian and records were hidden or kept purposely incomplete to protect believers. [14], Saint Valentine doesn't occur in the earliest list of Roman martyrs, the Chronography of 354, although the patron of the Chronography's compilation was a wealthy Roman Christian named Valentinus. But Saint Valentine’s feast day didn’t used to be a big to-do — which should please those who think too much is being made of it now. Helping Christians at this time was considered a crime. In the French 14th-century manuscript illumination from a Vies des Saints (illustration above), Saint Valentine, bishop of Terni, oversees the construction of his basilica at Terni; there is no suggestion here that the bishop was a patron of lovers.[45]. [49], A silver reliquary containing a fragment of St. Valentine's skull is found in the parish church of St. Mary's Assumption in Chełmno, Poland. Although the Roman Catholic Church continues to recognize St. Valentine as a saint of the church, he was removed from the General Roman Calendar in 1969 because of the lack of reliable information about him. [38][39] The Roman Catholic Church includes him in its official list of saints, the Roman Martyrology. St. Valentine, (died 3rd century, Rome; feast day February 14), name of one or two legendary Christian martyrs whose lives seem to be historically based. Saint Valentin. Saint Valentine Martyr. Jacques Callot - Saint Valentin. This page was last edited on 18 February 2021, at 17:31. From the High Middle Ages his Saints' Day has been associated with a tradition of courtly love. Valentinus refused and Claudius' command was executed outside the Flaminian Gate February 14, 269. "Valentine has come to be known as the patron saint of lovers. Saint Valentine Martyr. Sa vie : Ce saint prêtre (par exception, le missel l’appelle prêtre) souffrit le martyre sous l’empereur Claude II. [5], Another relic was found in 2003 in Prague in Church of St Peter and Paul at Vyšehrad. [9] In the Eastern Orthodox Church, he is recognized on July 6; in addition, the Eastern Orthodox Church observes the feast of Hieromartyr Valentine, Bishop of Interamna, on July 30. A special Valentine prayer - My powerful and glorious and holy God, with ... A Valentine Prayer - I said a Valentine prayer for you and asked the ... A Valentine Prayer (2) - Pray, then, O holy Martyr, for the Faithful, who ... A Valentine Prayer (3) - Dearest Heavenly Father, I want to thank you ... A Valentine Prayer (4) - Lord, I submit myself to You. [5][6] For Saint Valentine of Terni, i.e. (©Wikimédia) Dans le Lot comme ailleurs, chaque 14 février, nombreux sont celles et ceux qui se préparent à célébrer leur couple et leur amour.Injustement caricaturé en cupidon du calendrier, Valentin était à l’origine un martyr … At that time, the Roman Empire was being invaded by Goths. Catholic Encyclopedia His skull, crowned with flowers, is exhibited in the Basilica of Santa Maria in Cosmedin, Rome. À Rome, sur la voie Flaminienne, près du pont Milvius, saint Valentin, martyr. “At least three different Saint Valentines, all of them martyrs, are mentioned in the early martyrologies under the date of 14 February.” One was a priest in Rome, the second one was a bishop of Interamna (now Terni, Italy) and the third St. Valentine was a martyr in the Roman province of Africa. [40], English 18th-century antiquarians Alban Butler and Francis Douce, noting the obscurity of Saint Valentine's identity, suggested that Saint Valentine's Day was created as an attempt to supersede the pagan holiday of Lupercalia (mid-February in Rome). Station à Saint-Pierre-aux-Liens « La vocation d’Abraham est le sujet que l’Église offre aujourd’hui à nos méditations. Saint Valentine, the Martyr According to the 1962 Missal of Saint John XXIII the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, February 14th is the feast of Saint Valentine. Who was Saint Valentine who makes some people laugh and others cry? One of them was a priest and martyr from the ancient Roman Empire. Les reliques de saint Valentin sont hébergées depuis plus d'un siècle en l'église Saint-Remy de Montignies-sur-Sambre. Today, many people make the pilgrimage to the church to honor the courage and memory of this Christian saint. Although these legends differ, Valentine's Day is widely recognized as a day for romance and devotion. Saint Valentine, according to romantic legend, was a kind-hearted Roman priest who married young couples against the wishes of Emperor Claudius II. While under house arrest of Judge Asterius, and discussing his faith with him, Valentinus (the Latin version of his name) was discussing the validity of Jesus. Prêtre et Martyr. Asked by Wiki User. https://orthodoxsaintvalentine.wordpress.com ORTHODOX SAINT VALENTINE The Real Life of Saint Valentine (+269) Feast days: February 14, January 19 & July 6 (Also, his feast day in the Greece & in the East is January 19 & July 6) The ancient martyrology of the Church of Rome marks February 14th as the remembrance of "the martyr… Was Saint Valentine a martyr? Various dates are given for the martyrdom or martyrdoms: 269, 270, or 273. [22] Some Eastern Churches of the Western rite may provide still other different lists of Saint Valentines. Tombeau : à Rome dans sa basilique. Les reliques de saint Valentin sont hébergées depuis plus d'un siècle en l'église Saint-Remy de Montignies-sur-Sambre. Oruch, Jack B. Who was Saint Valentine who makes some people laugh and others cry? Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. One is that in the 3rd century AD[citation needed] it is said that Valentine, who was a priest, defied the order of the emperor Claudius and secretly performed Christian weddings for couples, allowing the husbands involved to escape conscription into the pagan army. It also lists a virgin, Saint Valentina, who was martyred in 308 (July 25) in Caesarea, Palestine.[24]. [36] The Feast of Saint Valentine, also known as Saint Valentine's Day, was established by Pope Gelasius I in AD 496 to be celebrated on February 14 in honour of the Christian martyr.[37]. A la veille de sa fête, synonyme de fête des amoureux, portrait d’un homme dont l’existence fut tout sauf un conte de fée. Chapel of St. Martyr Valentine, Lakhdenpokhya: zobacz recenzje, artykuły i zdjęcia dotyczące Chapel of St. Martyr Valentine w serwisie Tripadvisor w Lakhdenpokhya, Rosja Other narratives identify him as the bishop of Terni, Italy, who was martyred, apparently also in Rome, and whose relics were later taken to Terni. Jack Oruch, "St. Valentine, Chaucer, and Spring in February", Jack Oruch identified the inception of this possible connection in Butler's, persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire, Persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire, Saint Fructus, 8th-century Spanish martyr, "Saint Valentine: Patron of sex and epilepsy", https://www.heifer.org/blog/st-valentine-patron-saint-of-beekeepers.html#:~:text=Besides%20couples%2C%20love%20and%20happy,and%20the%20protection%20of%20beekeepers.&text=Raising%20bees%2C%20which%20produce%20nonperishable,crops%2C%20is%20a%20sound%20choice, "Irish priests keep a candle for Saint Valentine", When Father John Spratt, an Irish Carmelite returned to his parish in Dublin from preaching in a Jesuit church in Gesu, Italy, he brought the sacred relics of Saint Valentine, given to him by Pope Gregory XVI, Coptic Orthodox Church – From Where Valentine's Day Comes From, "Saint Valentine: Patron of lovers and epilepsy", "Greek name days of the year 2015 – month of celebration : February", "Love-seekers show up at St. Valentine's resting place in Dublin", "Radio Praha – Ostatky sv.Valentýna jsou uloženy na pražském Vyšehradě", "Chełmno – miasto zabytków i zakochanych", "The Holy Relics of St. Valentine Lie on Lesbos Island", "Savona: Guida ed Informazioni per visitare Savona", St Valentine of Terni – English translation of his "Passio" (BHL 8460), St Valentine of Rome – English translation of his "Passio" (BHL 8465), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Saint_Valentine&oldid=1007536966, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Italian-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2015, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, February 14 (Catholic, Anglican and Lutheran Churches), July 6 and July 30 (Eastern Orthodox). He along with St. Marius and his family comforted the martyrs during the persecution of Emperor Claudius II, the Goth. We celebrate Valentine’s Day on February 14th in honor of St. Valentine. Le philosophe romain Craton vint un jour le voir pour qu'il guérisse son fils mourant. During the Middle Ages, it was believed that birds paired in mid-February. D'autres affirment que nous devons la Saint-Valentin à un martyr de l'Église catholique, Valentinus. His great virtue and influence became known, and he was apprehended and brought before the emperor's tribunal. [34] It hosted the martyr's relics until the 13th century, when they were transferred to Santa Prassede, and the ancient basilica decayed.[35]. Le 14 février, plusieurs Valentin béatifiés sont célébrés. Photo about St Valentine martyr and St. Vitus martyr under the crucifix, chapel in the village Stitar, Croatia. [43], Oruch charges that the traditions associated with "Valentine's Day", documented in Geoffrey Chaucer's Parlement of Foules and set in the fictional context of an old tradition, did not exist before Chaucer. At least three different Saint Valentines, all of them martyrs, are mentioned in the early martyrologies under date of 14 February. The Brothers dug up every scrap of information about every saint on the liturgical calendar and printed the texts arranged according to the saint’s feast day. However, when Valentinus tried to convert the Emperor, he was condemned to death. The relics have been displayed publicly since 1984, in a foundation open to the public at all times in order to help people in need. According to legend, St. Valentine signed a letter “from your Valentine” to his jailer’s daughter, whom he had befriended and healed from blindness. The Valentine martyrs. He is also a patron saint of Terni, epilepsy and beekeepers.[2][3]. [23] The Roman martyrology lists only seven who died on days other than February 14: a priest from Viterbo (November 3); Valentine of Passau, papal missionary bishop to Raetia, among first patrons of Passau, and later hermit in Zenoburg, near Mais, South Tyrol, Italy, where he died in 475 (January 7); a 5th-century priest and hermit (July 4); a Spanish hermit who died in about 715 (October 25); Valentine Berrio Ochoa, martyred in 1861 (November 24); and Valentine Jaunzarás Gómez, martyred in 1936 (September 18). — Jour de mort (d’après le martyrologe) : 14 : février 269. Selon le Martyrologue romain, Saint Valentin de Terni était un prêtre chrétien thaumaturge qui vivait au IIIe siècle sous le règne de l’empereur Claude II, dit le Gothique. The first reads thus: "On February 14 th, on the Via Flaminia in Rome, St Valentine, priest and martyr, after performing various healing miracles, and known for his culture, was killed by … By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Valentine’s Day as a lovers’ festival dates at least from the 14th century. Saint Valentine – The Martyr (GC700GB) was created by Subfamous on 2/1/2017. [19] According to the official biography of the Diocese of Terni, Bishop Valentine was born and lived in Interamna and while on a temporary stay in Rome he was imprisoned, tortured, and martyred there on February 14, 269. Eventually, St. Valentine was also arrested, condemned to death for his faith, beaten with clubs, and finally beheaded on Feb. 14, AD 270. A basilica was built on the site in the fourth century in which the remains of the saint are currently kept, enclosed in a reliquary: it seems that they were brought to the city by the three disciples of the philosopher Cratone, Apollonio, Efebo and Procuro, converted by the future saint and that for this reason they were martyred. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. His body was hastily buried at a nearby cemetery and a few nights later his disciples retrieved his body and returned him home. À Rome, sur la voie Flaminienne, près du pont Milvius, saint Valentin, martyr. Ce miracle fût partager et relayer partout. Image of historic, christianity, europe - 103533642 July 6 is the date on which the Eastern Orthodox Church celebrates the Roman presbyter Valentine; on July 30 it observes the feast of the hieromartyr Valentine, Bishop of Interamna. Saint Valentine was venerated no more than other Christian martyrs and saints. St. Valentine - whether priest or bishop - was martyred on February 14, now celebrated as Valentine’s Day. Kellogg, Alfred (1972). St. Valentin, Martyr on the via Flaminia. Saint Valentine (Italian: San Valentino, Latin: Valentinus), known as Saint Valentine of Rome, was a 3rd-century Roman saint, commemorated in Western Christianity on February 14 and in Eastern Orthodoxy on July 6. It’s actually quite possible that the person known as St. Valentine might be two different people. It is nice to think of someone who believed in marriage and was willing to risk death to do what he believed was right. Valentin de Terni, confondu avec Valentin de Rome, est un moine ou un prêtre qui vécut au III siècle, martyrisé sous l'empereur Claude II le Gothique. Saint ValentinÉvêque et Martyr(† v. 273) Valentin était Évêque de Terni, dans les monts Sabin (Italie). One is described as a priest at Rome, another as bishop of Interamna (modern Terni ), and these two seem both to have suffered in the second half of the third century and to have been buried on the Flaminian Way, but at different distances from the … Saint Valentine's willingness to be a martyr for Christ and his heroic, loving example still inspires believers to follow the scriptures. Image of heritage, monastery, antique - 103533504 They were a present from the Pope to King Carlos IV, who entrusted them to the Order of Poor Clerics Regular of the Mother of God of the Pious Schools (Piarists). À ce stade , le christianisme était passé du groupe marginal subversif à la religion principale de l’empire romain. On February 14, around the year 270 A.D., Valentine, a holy priest in Rome in the days of Emperor Claudius II, was executed. Below are the image gallery of Saint Valentine Martyr, if you like the image or like this post please contribute with us to share this post to your social media or save this post in your device. Dnalor 01 (Own work) , CC BY-SA By Lisa Bitel, University of Southern California – Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, The Conversation. Schoepflin, Maurizio and Seren, Linda ()2000). [31] The account mentions that in order "to remind these men of their vows and God’s love, Saint Valentine is said to have cut hearts from parchment", giving them to these persecuted Christians, a possible origin of the widespread use of hearts on St. Valentine's Day. O glorious Saint Valentine, pray for us, that we too may have the steadfast faith of the martyrs. Other relics of him were taken to Whitefriar Street Carmelite Church in Dublin, Ireland, where they remain; this house of worship continues to be a popular place of pilgrimage, especially on Saint Valentine's Day, for those seeking love. Alongside a woodcut portrait of Valentine, the text states that he was a Roman priest martyred during the reign of Claudius Gothicus. [44] He argues that the speculative explanation of sentimental customs, posing as historical fact, had their origins among 18th-century antiquaries, notably Alban Butler, the author of Butler's Lives of Saints, and have been perpetuated even by respectable modern scholars. Though the extant accounts of the martyrdoms of the first two listed saints are of a late date and contain legendary elements, a common nucleus of fact may underlie the two accounts and they may refer to a single person. Le pape Gélase Ier a déclaré le 14 février comme une célébration en l’honneur du martyr Saint-Valentin en 496 après JC. On 27 December 1835 the Very Reverend Father John Spratt, Master of Sacred Theology to the Carmelite order in Dublin, was sent the partial remains of St Valentine by Cardinal Carlo Odescalchi, under the auspices of Pope Gregory XVI. [21], The name "Valentine" derived from valens (worthy, strong, powerful), was popular in Late Antiquity. Instead, crime, imprisonment and execution are at the genesis of our modern day love fest, dating back to the man whose martyrdom may have inspired the holiday. The Catholic Encyclopedia[17] and other hagiographical sources[18] speak of three Saints Valentine that appear in connection with February 14. The flower-crowned alleged skull of St. Valentine is exhibited in the Basilica of Santa Maria in Cosmedin, Rome. This legend claims that soldiers were sparse at this time so this was a big inconvenience to the emperor. Par Rédaction Cahors Publié le 14 Fév 21 à 7:32. widely recognized 3rd-century Roman saint commemorated on February 14 Top Answer. There’s a St. Valentine, a temple priest recognized by the Roman Catholic Church. Illustration: Reliques de Saint Valentin, église Saint-Remy, à Montignies-sur-Sambre. Après deux jours de prison, l'empereur le fit comparaître à son tribunal: Le martyre de Saint-Valentin. Claudius took a liking to him until Valentinus tried to convince Claudius to embrace Christianity, whereupon Claudius refused and condemned Valentinus to death, commanding that Valentinus either renounce his faith or he would be beaten with clubs and beheaded. One was a Roman priest, another the bishop of Interamna (modern Terni, Italy) both buried along the Via Flaminia outside Rome, at different distances from the city. He was also in the General Roman Calendar for celebration as a simple feast until 1955, when Pope Pius XII reduced all such feasts to just a commemoration within another celebration. Saint-Valentin Type Fête civile Signification Fête des amoureux Date 14 février modifier Le jour de la Saint-Valentin , le 14 février , est considéré dans de nombreux pays comme la fête des amoureux . The holiday got an overhaul as Christianity took hold, and was renamed for Saint Valentine. Prayer to Saint Valentine O Saint Valentine, lover of Christ and of the Church, we ask your intercession that we may learn how to love God above all things, and to selflessly love one another.